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Am I pregnant ?

By Anonymous October 29, 2017 - 9:19pm
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Me and my boyfriend have been trying to concieve for about 6 months , I got off of the pill and having. Been taking prenatal vitamans from my doctor . I’m on day 52 and still have not had my period . My next one is supposed to come the 1st of november and usually I’d be pmsing but I’ve got nothing . My sex drive decreased , & we actually had sex for the first time in a week & I bled , I stopped right when we were done , but is that normal ? I have a hard time sleeping . I’m nauseous, but I can’t seem to puke , I poop more though , it’s like 2-3 times a day . I’ve taken 2 pee tests 1 was 3 weeks ago and the other was a week agon& they came out negative . I need some advice .

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HERWriter Guide

Hello Anon

Thank you for writing.

Have you had a regular or irregular cycle before you got off the Pill?

Ask your doctor for a blood pregnancy test or a scan to see what's going on. If it's all negative, have your hormones tested (a blood test) to see if you have some sort of hormonal disorder.

October 30, 2017 - 4:20am
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