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Still no Diagnosis as of yet. Got test results from the hematologist @ Cancer Care Associates of Tulsa, ok. Everything is again NORMAL with the exception of my White Blood Cell count still being elevated. UUUUUGGGGGHHHHH this is getting old. Now going to see my pcp to talk to her about being tested for several other things.
These are what Cancer Care Associates suggested that I get tested for:
Chrone's disease
Cushing's disease
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Chronic Fatigue syndrome
Multiple Sclerosis
and Gout.
Appointment with PCP is not until the 10th of this month. Will keep updating as I get results! Still waiting on results from the Gastro Dr. on the EDG and Colonoscopy biopsies.
Any suggestions anyone has I greatly appreciate!
Thanks Barbara

November 2, 2011 - 8:23pm


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