Okay, about 15 months ago I had my second back surgery and it seems like my health has went down hill from there. Spurring from my back surgery i then had to have surgery on my left knee in april of 2011. In june of this year complications and what was believed to be a blood clot caused me to have to have another surgery on my left knee, I spent 2 weeks in the hospital and then went home for 3 days and was back in the hospital for a third surgery on the same knee. From there my health has gotten worse. With an elevated white blood cell count for about 8 months, I have had several tests done with no answers as of now.
This Article
Improved My Health
Changed My Life
Saved My Life
I have suffered from the following symptoms for more than a year:
hair loss
loss of appetite
easily brusing
extreemly tired (24/7)
no energy
fever- mostly at night
weight gain and loss
go from hot to cold
night sweats
funny taste in mouth
sense of smell is off
loss of time
lack of coordination
memory loss
watery eyes
swelling of feet and hands
pain in whole body
sensitive to touch
decay smell to bowls
sick to stomache
excessive facial hair ( full beard)
Right now that is all of the symptoms i can remember (looking at a list)
I have been diagnosed with depression, insomnia, sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and early menopause. However no one can tell me why all of the other symptoms are occuring and why i feel like and alien in my own body. I have a lack of interest in everyday activities and find it too tiring and difficult to even get out of bed most days. I ahve had sever thousand dollars worth of blood tests, cultures, stool samples, a colonoscopy, and an endoscopy, all with no answers.
Okay, about 15 months ago I had my second back surgery and it seems like my health has went down hill from there. Spurring from my back surgery i then had to have surgery on my left knee in april ...
Barbara1973 commented on Barbara1973's post Help! What is wrong with me? Doctors have no answers!