In Monday’s article we covered the who, what, where, when and why of gout. I think there are only a few things we didn’t cover on our mission to turning you into a gout expert. If, after reading the last article, you examined your medical and family history, the phase of life you are in, and your current lifestyle and feel like your chances of gout rose up to the top of the gout-o-meter, then I suggest you grin and bear the rest of this article.

Although not entirely curable, gout attacks can be prevented and minimized for your own sake. Take a minute and think about what your average diet consists of. If your answer is leaning towards red meats, alcohol, shellfish, foods and soft drinks high in high-fructose corn syrup, certain vegetables high in purines, ie., asparagus, cauliflower, spinach and mushrooms, then you may have a little re-arranging in the diet department to consider. These foods are all high in purines, which is what elevates your uric acid levels.

To get your purine levels down you may want to consider making a small change to your daily intake. Although the foods listed above are the foundation of the average Americans daily diet, it is okay to consume all of these foods, just watch your portion size because that could easily save yourself from an unwarranted attack of gout. Just keep the word moderation in mind before every meal, even if it is a Morton’s filet mignon.

Studies also show that consuming more than the average recommended amount of water and skim milk can stave off gout attacks. Some blame their gout on dehydration. Although that research is not proven, it certainly doesn’t hurt a body to add more water and milk. You can at least be sure you will not get dehydrated and your bones will thank you. Also, adding a little vitamin C to your diet has proved to lower your uric acid level as well. All in all, I believe the best method to fending off gout is to eat healthy, eat in moderation, and keep hydrated. However, if gout is a genetic disease, you may have grandma to thank for your undying, but useless efforts.

To potentially prevent an attack there are a few actions you can take that are readily available to anyone. Potassium supplements and caffeine have been proven as a preventative measure as well as a remedy. So, if you are a huge coffee drinker and love yourself some bananas your chances of fending off gout have just went up. Two thumbs up for you.

And with diet advice to remedy an attack, there is also ways to ease your agony during an attack. Some doctors can prescribe an anti-inflammatory, and other medications that will help your body extract the uric acid a little quicker than your kidneys want to work. Therefore, it is imperative to talk to your doctor about what you are experiencing to figure out what the best method is for you.

If you do happen to stumble upon an attack of gout, doctors suggest a few at home remedies to ease your pain. They advise keeping your effected joint elevated and use ice, like a broken bone. Also, as silly as this may sound, applying an anti-hemorrhoidal ointment on your joint can temporarily reduce the swelling. So, if you believe you are a strong candidate for an attack of gout, remember to stock up on your Preparation H and ice bags before it is too late!

As we found out, a gout attack comes and goes when it pleases, and unfortunately there are some long term consequences to be aware of if you have had multiple attacks. If your gout is left untreated, the need-like crystals that cause gout, can form into large deposits around your joints. This is known as tophi, which, after time can leave your joints permanently damaged. In an extreme tophi case, surgery is the only option to potentially fix the joint deformity and possible bone erosion that took place over time. Yikes!

Well ladies, I think we can all come to conclusion that gout is not a disease you want to mess with. However, as pointed out in the article, there are many ways to possibly prevent an attack, you may just need to take a good look at the lifestyle your surround yourself with. I now know more about gout than I ever thought possible, but it really makes me think about some of the lifestyle choices I make on an average day that could lead to a possible condition down the line. So, with that in mind, keep your self healthy and active, and remember to keep a tube of Preparation H available at all times because you never know when the gout monster might strike.