A wide array of stories were shared in EmpowHER's community this week. Women talked about visiting the dentist, what urine means and sexism in articles. Do you have a health story that you would like to share? Post your blog post to our community so that other women can read and reflect on your personal experiences and stories.

Here are some of our top blog posts in the EmpowHER community this week.

5 Tips to Help You Maximize Your Next Dental Appointment

Via Pixabay

From the blog: "Even if you’re attending your twice annual check-up appointments, you only see your dentist for a few hours each year. Too frequently dental patients are distracted by pain, dental anxiety, concerned with time or preoccupied with other outside influences and forget to address the questions or concerns that they have.

Your dentist and his or her team are ready and willing to take all the time needed to make sure that you have a great dental visit, so that you leave the office with your best smile. Use these tips from our dentists to help you maximize your next dental visit! "

Articles for Women that Should Be Banned

Via Pexels

From the blog: "I often feel odd when I see the titles of some “for women” articles. More often than not, the woman-specific elements in the articles seem to be sexist, even when the articles themselves are not just full of bad advice. Here I will talk about the types of article that annoy me the most.

How to be a superwoman

The articles about how to be a good mom, a supermodel, a good wife, and a successful business woman (and have it all at the same time, of course) are all over the place. This is embarrassing, because it preys on the insecurities women have about their role in society and tries to motivate them to become superwomen, which is impossible. You can’t have it all, because nobody can. People (not only women) have to make choices. In fact, even if this article was composed by a Wonder Woman, I’m not going to read it. "

What Your Urine May Be Telling You

Via Pixabay

From the blog:"I know it can be an uncomfortable topic to discuss among friends. Believe it or not it's even tough for some patients to discuss it with their trusted physicians. But understanding your urinary habits and perhaps even more importantly – when those habits change – is essential for ensuring healthy bladder function now and in the future.

One of the most commonly asked questions of urologists is: what color is “normal” for urine? The easy answer is: a wide spectrum of shades can be normal based on the individual and his or her unique health circumstances. For example: pale or clear urine usually means that you're well hydrated or that you are taking a diuretic supplement that his stimulating your bladder to void frequently. "

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