As a 21-year-old female in today’s society, there are a few basic resolutions I’ve heard year after year: “Lose X number of pounds,” “Go to the gym more,” “Eat better.” While these resolutions are great, I feel there are more important goals we can set for ourselves this year. 

Check out these 10 resolutions any twenty-something can make for not only a healthier year, but a happier one too.

1. Drink more water.


If you’re trying to lose weight here’s a great first step that’s actually doable. Did you know drinking water can help control calories, energize your muscles and can even help your skin look good? With so many health benefits found in H2O, there’s never been a better time to start hydrating!

2. Eat more vegetables.


Stop dieting, and start making more realistic goals for yourself. Face it, it’s nearly impossible to cut carbs completely out of your diet, so start adding more vegetables to get started on your goals of eating better. Try to have greens with every meal. If you’re a veggie hater, try spicing them up by experimenting with different spice blends from the supermarket.

3. Cut the toxic people out of your life.


Take this one to heart: Leave negative people in 2017. Your 20’s are your time to shine, don’t let anyone hold you back from reaching your goals.

4. Take time away from social media.


Try to set a limit for yourself: less than one hour a day. Studies have shown social media can negatively impact your self-esteem in many ways, including battling for “likes” and comparing ourselves to others’ seemingly “perfect” lives they display on social networking sites. Take a break from it all. It might be hard, but your mental health will thank you. 

5. Spend more time with family.


Whether you live near or far, it’s important to make time for family. As we get older, our lives get more hectic. To stay connected with family, set up a day each week to catch up, either on the phone, in person, or over Skype.

6. Say “no” to plans.


Face it, sometimes Netflix, a cheap bottle of wine, and some Chinese takeout is JUST what you need. This year, don’t be afraid to say no to plans. Make time for yourself and don’t let FOMO get to you. 

7. Find a job you absolutely love.

The 9 to 5 can really start to get to you when you’re not passionate about what you do. We’re young, so now is the time to make choices that will determine our future. If you’ve already got your dream job, make it a goal to work a little harder this year to prove to your company that you are an asset.

8. Learn how to cook.


Your college days of mac and cheese and ramen need to end some time. This year, take a cooking class, explore new recipes online, or maybe even try hosting a dinner party! Home-cooked meals tend to be healthier (and more affordable) than eating out.

9. Read more books.

Unplug for a while and pick up a book. Your mind will thank you for the escape from reality. Rather than scrolling through your Twitter feed before bed, flip through a few pages of a brand new novel.

10. Travel somewhere new.


2017 is your year to see the world. Let this be the year you finally take that tropical vacation, or day trip to the snowy mountains. Your 20’s are the time to explore and experience new places and new people. Step outside your comfort zone.

Read more in Being HER