My name’s Jenelle Marie and I have an STD. *Hi, Jenelle.* For nearly 14 years, I’ve lived with genital herpes – otherwise known as herpes simplex 2 or simply, herpes (I've also had HPV, scabies, and vaginitis). Having an STD has not hindered my love life, inhibited my ambition, or narrowed my friendships. I am here to tell you, an STD does not have to stop you either. While I am not a doctor (I have a BBA and MBA in Honors Professional Accountancy), I most certainly understand what it’s like to feel misunderstood and alone with something considered taboo. For those clinical diagnosis type of questions, our resources and references pages are a great place to start - I am also happy to point you in the right direction should a question come to me I am not familiar with! I am an accounting professor at a Midwest community college and have a natural knack for learning/research/etc. I will facilitate and encourage healthy discussion and can be a vessel for your STD/STI stories. In time, I won't need to be this vessel because we will have broken the stigma and opened the minds of others.
Established in April of 2012 during STD Awareness Month, The STD Project is an award-winning independent website and progressive movement geared toward eradicating the stigma associated with contracting an STD and living with an STD by facilitating and encouraging awareness, education, and acceptance through story-telling and resource recommendations. We welcome all people and all thoughtful opinions regardless of sex, race, religion, sexual orientation, or experience with an STI/STD.
Through The STD Project, we post interviews and stories (with permission or in an anonymous format) about people who have sexually transmitted infections or diseases and people who have loved someone with a sexually transmitted infection or disease as well as a plethora of news and resources related to STIs/STDs; testing, treatment, prevention, and more. By facilitating and encouraging awareness, education, and acceptance, we are taking steps toward modern-day prevention by advocating for conscientious and informed decisions.
Having grown up in a rural Midwest town, our sex education class was text-book abstinence-only birds and the bees type stuff. I don’t remember much of the experience itself aside from its lack of ...
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