I found this link posted on facebook, and wanted to share it here. With all the toxic chemicals we are exposed to everyday, I love finding natural ways of cleaning, myself and my home, that will ...

Lynda F commented on Lynda F's post DIY (Do It Yourself) Naturally!


I found this link posted on facebook, and wanted to share it here. With all the toxic chemicals we are exposed to everyday, I love finding natural ways of cleaning, myself and my home, that will ...

DIY (Do It Yourself) Naturally!


I found this posted on facebook and thought to share it here with everyone. Not sure where it originated from, but there is a link at the end for the facebook page that it was apparently found ...

Natural hair repair remedies


It's been a long while since I've used birth control pills, and thankfully no longer need to worry about pregnancy. Of all the warnings they give you about possible side effects, I don't recall ...

Birth Control Pills and Health


I wrote an article for EmpowHER recently about Mayor Bloomberg's attempt to ban large sugary drinks from restaurants. He wanted these super-sized behemoths to be taken off menus. A person ...

Lynda F commented on SusanC's post Large Soda Ban in NYC Dismissed and Mississippi Agrees


I found this posted on facebook and thought I'd share it here. It was posted by It's All About Women https://www.facebook.com/itsallaboutwomen?ref=stream : 5 Foods You Should Never Eat by ...

From It's All About Women: Foods that slow down metabolism


Ever heard the fairy tale when you've been in the hospital that being there will help you to rest and recover? Did you ever find that to be true? I remember being told this after having a baby, ...

Lynda F commented on Jody Smith's post You'll Be Able to Rest in the Hospital ... Really?


I've just recently had a comprehensive eye exam that shows I have cataracts in both eyes, worse in one eye. I have an appointment next week with the eye surgeon so he can examine my eyes better ...

Lynda F commented on Lynda F's post What is your experience with cataract surgery?


Picking out laundry detergent is more than just brand selection. Many top-selling brands also offer choices of scent. But those fragrances that make your laundry smell fresh and clean may also ...

Lynda F commented on Denise DeWitt's post Could Scented Laundry Products Be Making You Sick?


Does anyone know anything about this drug: Sulfasalazine ? It's supposed to be excellent for IBS. Is that true and what are the side effects? Any insight would be appreciated. Thank you.

Sulfasalazine for IBS?


While living back in the Northeast, winters always meant at least 1 good cold for me. I hated them, even though I managed to be rid of them within 3 days (because I took nothing to suppress the ...

Lynda F commented on Lynda F's post Cold & Flu Season for some / High Allergy Season for others....


While living back in the Northeast, winters always meant at least 1 good cold for me. I hated them, even though I managed to be rid of them within 3 days (because I took nothing to suppress the ...

Cold & Flu Season for some / High Allergy Season for others....


Most people are proud of their cleanliness and rightly so! A clean body, home and environment is never a bad thing. But in the past couple of decades, we've seen a huge surge in a kind of ...

Lynda F commented on SusanC's post The Culture of Clean: Extreme Cleanliness is Bad for Your Health


From my favorite Herb shop here in Phoenix, Chakra4. If anyone has a good recipe for cooking them also, I'd love ...

Lynda F commented on Lynda F's post Health/Weight benefits of Collard Greens


From my favorite Herb shop here in Phoenix, Chakra4. If anyone has a good recipe for cooking them also, I'd love ...

Health/Weight benefits of Collard Greens


A friend was asking Michelle King Robson today "Can you tell me what is the lowest, moderate in activity, bean." Michelle turned to Lyn-Genet Recitas, an expert on inflammatory foods, who has ...

what is the lowest, moderate in activity, bean

EmpowHER Guest

sometimes it pains slowly

Lynda F commented on Anonymous' post i have cist in my right breast may it can cause cancer?


What is intuition and how do you know if you have it? Intuition is a sense of knowing, feeling, a hunch about something, a decision or perhaps even a person without proof. How do you know if ...

Lynda F commented on Powerbychoice's post Intuition: Friend or foe?


A friend of mine is experiencing the onset of swelling in left hand and pain. Came on suddenly and they've ruled out gout and don't know what it is. No swelling in the arm and no pain anywhere but ...

Lynda F commented on Lynda F's post What could the sudden onset of swelling and pain in one hand be?


A friend of mine is experiencing the onset of swelling in left hand and pain. Came on suddenly and they've ruled out gout and don't know what it is. No swelling in the arm and no pain anywhere but ...

What could the sudden onset of swelling and pain in one hand be?


The idea of a tricycle may make you think of a little child who can't go across the road by themselves. And maybe that sounds ominous at your ever-increasing age. But not all trikes are ...

Lynda F commented on Jody Smith's post Recumbent Trike Equals Joy Ride For Seniors


My roommate has just found out she has seriously bad cataracts and needs cataract surgery. Her consultation/evaluation is in three weeks. She is wondering what questions she can ask the surgeon ...

Lynda F commented on Lynda F's post How do you know your eye surgeon is good?


My roommate has just found out she has seriously bad cataracts and needs cataract surgery. Her consultation/evaluation is in three weeks. She is wondering what questions she can ask the surgeon ...

How do you know your eye surgeon is good?


I happened to mention recently that smoking in France really affects apartment buildings, especially since so many are above restaurants and cafes -- and there is almost always an outdoor space ...

Lynda F commented on SusanC's post Secondhand Smoke Filters Through Apartment Buildings


I was enjoying some kid-free time with a friend the other day. We had an uninterrupted conversation over coffee and bagels and moved on to an even bigger treat, shopping. We walked happy and ...

Lynda F commented on Susan Schade's post If You Could See Yourself in My Mirror


Everyone who is too busy raise their hands. Hmmm ... Every hand that I see is raised! We are all too busy, and that’s stressful enough. Running back and forth, hither and yon to appointment ...

Lynda F commented on Dave Balch's post The Second Stressor of Your Busy Schedule


Change your genetic makeup by drinking up ... Coffee, that is. A new study published on ScienceDaily.com found that “exercise and caffeine change your DNA in the same way." The study was ...

Lynda F commented on Joanne Sgro-Killworth's post A New Study Finds A Cup of Java Could Change Your Genes


The image of a table of men — primarily from religious organizations — comprising a hearing devoted to birth control, became a snapshot emblematic of problems to follow. Rep. ...

Lynda F commented on Marcia G. Yerman's post The Birth Control Conundrum


Another tidbit about the importance of our liver and why taking care of our liver allows our liver to take care of us. From my favorite herb shop: "The liver is one of the most dynamic and ...

Taking care of your liver


EmpowHER has heard from many people who experience hip pain at night. They wake up in the morning in pain, or are awakened during the night from pain and have difficulty getting back to sleep. ...

Lynda F commented on SusanC's post Hip Pain at Night? Here are a Few Reasons Why


With Valentine's Day (and Easter) quickly approaching, the sale of chocolate is sure to skyrocket. Frazzled husbands and boyfriends are going to be found stripping the shelves of all the heart ...

Lynda F commented on mariasmith76's post Three Good Reasons to Eat Chocolate


The world is filled with a variety of sounds. While some noises may produce joy and happiness, others may generate contrasting emotions such as sadness and anger. The impact of sound is ...

Lynda F commented on Erin Kennedy's post Sound Therapy: Healing the Body Through Sound


The latest newsletter from my favorite Herb Shop here in Phoenix (Chakra4) is about losing weight safely: "Lately we’ve been getting a lot of questions about weight loss and detoxification. ...

Some tips for healthy weight loss


I've often questioned the use of the word "natural" on so many processed foods. Over the past few years I've taken more and more to buying fresh, from local farms when I can, rather than packaged ...

"Natural Flavoring" Food and Beverage Labeling


If you’ve visited a health food store (or really any store for that matter) you’ve probably noticed a new addition to their drink shelves in the past few years —kombucha. Kombucha is a natural, ...

Lynda F commented on Shyla Batliwalla's post 5 (Non-Controversial) Reasons I Drink Kombucha


If you’ve visited a health food store (or really any store for that matter) you’ve probably noticed a new addition to their drink shelves in the past few years —kombucha. Kombucha is a natural, ...

Lynda F commented on Shyla Batliwalla's post 5 (Non-Controversial) Reasons I Drink Kombucha


So ladies when do we want to start this and how can we get others to join?

Lynda F commented on Angelica's post EmpowHER's weight lose challenge group


So ladies when do we want to start this and how can we get others to join?

Lynda F commented on Angelica's post EmpowHER's weight lose challenge group


Like most people, I know of using lavender in aromatherapy. Though I have to admit that it doesn't seem to have the same relaxing effect on me, I find it more stimulating than relaxing, but it is ...

The Many Beneficial Uses of Lavender


America has been a little behind (and some would say far too kind!) when it comes to explaining exactly what cigarettes really do to the body. While written warnings have been around for a long ...

Lynda F commented on SusanC's post Graphic Images of Death or Dying on Cigarette Packs: Will They Help You to Quit?


I've just recently had a comprehensive eye exam that shows I have cataracts in both eyes, worse in one eye. I have an appointment next week with the eye surgeon so he can examine my eyes better ...

Lynda F commented on Lynda F's post What is your experience with cataract surgery?


I've just recently had a comprehensive eye exam that shows I have cataracts in both eyes, worse in one eye. I have an appointment next week with the eye surgeon so he can examine my eyes better ...

What is your experience with cataract surgery?


Cataracts affect nearly 22 million Americans age 40 and older. By age 80, more than half of all Americans have cataracts. (Source: American Academy of Ophthalmology; Report Title: Eye Statistics ...

Lynda F commented on Mamta Singh's post Treating Age-Related Cataract


America has been a little behind (and some would say far too kind!) when it comes to explaining exactly what cigarettes really do to the body. While written warnings have been around for a long ...

Lynda F commented on SusanC's post Graphic Images of Death or Dying on Cigarette Packs: Will They Help You to Quit?


Cataracts affect nearly 22 million Americans age 40 and older. By age 80, more than half of all Americans have cataracts. (Source: American Academy of Ophthalmology; Report Title: Eye Statistics ...

Lynda F commented on Mamta Singh's post Treating Age-Related Cataract


Have you ever tried to relax after a long day in your favorite recliner only to have a creepy-crawly, jumpy feeling in your legs? You feel like you want to kick your feet or shake your legs, but ...

Lynda F commented on Vonnie Kennedy's post Battling Restless Leg Syndrome? Choose Your Weapon of Relief


Have you ever tried to relax after a long day in your favorite recliner only to have a creepy-crawly, jumpy feeling in your legs? You feel like you want to kick your feet or shake your legs, but ...

Lynda F commented on Vonnie Kennedy's post Battling Restless Leg Syndrome? Choose Your Weapon of Relief


Picking out laundry detergent is more than just brand selection. Many top-selling brands also offer choices of scent. But those fragrances that make your laundry smell fresh and clean may also ...

Lynda F commented on Denise DeWitt's post Could Scented Laundry Products Be Making You Sick?


Dating new people is tricky and it doesn’t help that our society has turned the “first date” scenario into an inherently high-stress situation. You are expected to feel nervous about the meeting; ...

Lynda F commented on Hannah Cutts' post Deal-Breakers on a First Date