My face has started to break out and become super irritated from wearing a mask during the pandemic. Is there anything I can do to prevent this from happening and clear up my skin? It's painful, ...
I always see sunscreens marketed as "for body" or "for face" ... is there a difference between these and if so what? Or is it just a marketing gimmick?
I have been trying to narrow down the cause. What are some possible culprits?
I have read so many different things.
What are some ways to get it under control?
I had botox about 2 weeks into being pregnant without knowing. It was very in early in the pregnancy stages. What are the risks? Are there any studies that show this could cause harm the baby?
We get along great and never have any serious problems, however with both of us working from home now and not seeing friends or doing our own hobbies we have been arguing over small things.
I ...
What are the first things I should do? Should I schedule an appointment with my regular doctor or an OGYN? Should I discontinue medications without first speaking to my doctor if they are ...