Lately I've been breaking out a lot. I've always used the same moisturizer so I don't know if that's it or not. There are some breakouts on my cheek that have been there over a week and I'm having ...
March 10, 2015 - 3:02pm
Whenever I move and bend my knee, it makes a clicking sound. It isn't painful, but it is really loud sometimes. Why is this happening? Should I be worried?
December 3, 2014 - 5:00pm
I always hear different statistics on what the top causes of death for women are. It seems like some are changing a lot too. What is the leading cause of death for women today?
November 17, 2014 - 11:49am
October 28, 2014 - 11:28am
September 29, 2014 - 1:55pm
September 24, 2014 - 12:29pm
I am wondering what can cause a woman's period to be late (besides pregnancy). For the past few months my menstrual cycle has been a week or more late - I have considered stress, anxiety and a ...
September 17, 2014 - 8:34am
September 8, 2014 - 8:17am
September 7, 2014 - 9:37am
September 7, 2014 - 9:33am
I have psoriasis and use a daily treatment. Are there any foods to eat that help with psoriasis? What diet adjustment should I make for my Psoriasis?
September 3, 2014 - 12:34pm
I've had Psoriasis for a while, but it recently started to get worse. I use a cream that works pretty well, but I was wondering if there are more natural and holistic approaches to treat ...
August 29, 2014 - 11:19am
I wash my hair every other day but still seem to have dandruff. I use an OTC dandruff shampoo and make sure to leave it in for a few minutes. Are there any home remedies I can try?
August 26, 2014 - 9:50am
How can you tell if someone has an eating disorder? What are the signs and symptoms of an eating disorder?
August 20, 2014 - 1:39pm
Robin Williams died at age 63 - suicide was suspected as the cause of death, although nothing has been confirmed. It was reported that the actor was suffering from depression. It makes me think... ...
August 11, 2014 - 4:43pm
Does a normal woman gain weight during menopause? How can I prevent weight gain during menopause?
August 6, 2014 - 4:52pm
I would like to begin taking vitamins, but don't know where to start, or what to take. I don't want to simply take a multi-vitamin. What do you suggest?
July 31, 2014 - 6:06pm
I think I have bad circulation. From time to time, one of my arms gets numb. I sometimes sleep with my arms above my head and they also will go numb sometimes in the middle of the night. I am ...
July 30, 2014 - 6:26pm
I use my razors for a long time, or right after they get too dull. Once they're dull they don't work as well so I toss them. When should I throw my razors away? Can they grow bacteria if I use ...
July 30, 2014 - 6:01pm
I hear a lot about holistic health, but sometimes I confused by what it actually is. What is holistic health?
July 29, 2014 - 10:16pm
What actions is the restaurant industry taking to provide healthier options for children and families?
July 28, 2014 - 12:00pm
Whenever I have a high fever, my forehead is warm and feels like it's burning up when I touch it. Why does your forehead get hot during a fever?
July 23, 2014 - 12:00am
Every once in a while I get the blues and get sort of sad. But it doesn't last too long or for a long period of time. I don't think I have depression, but I want to know for sure. What's the ...
July 18, 2014 - 4:32pm
My father just had a spinal stroke and it was very severe. I've been researching spinal stroke online to learn more about treatment options. How do you treat spinal stroke? What is the best ...
July 17, 2014 - 10:24pm
I've taken birth control for over 10 years. I know that it is safe, but I also hear there are studies that have ruled otherwise. Should I switch to another form?
July 17, 2014 - 2:03pm
I am in my mid 20s and have started noticing that my knees are a little sore after running up stairs and working out (especially when doing lunges, stairs, etc). My mother just had her knee ...
July 16, 2014 - 2:06pm
When I can’t fall asleep, should I stay in bed and keep trying or get up and do something? What do you recommend to help?
July 15, 2014 - 5:43pm
All of a sudden i've gotten red broken blood vessels on my nose and cheeks. Am I blowing my nose too hard? Why would this just be on my cheeks?
July 15, 2014 - 12:04am
Got a skin reaction from product that was labeled “hypoallergenic.” Are there any federal guidelines with this label?
July 14, 2014 - 4:52pm
Can you give me a general overview of stage 1 breast cancer?
July 12, 2014 - 11:33am
Besides going to the doctor, is there anything I can do for vaginal dryness? The doctor hasn't helped me, is there anything I can do?
July 9, 2014 - 5:01pm
After taking daily vitamins, how long does it take for them to absorb into your body?
July 9, 2014 - 4:45pm
I hear putting small objects in your ears like q-tips is bad. What do you recommend and why?
July 8, 2014 - 5:35pm
I've been getting gel nails for awhile now, they work really well. Are they toxic? Should I avoid this? Should I let my nail beds rest in-between or is this ok?
July 8, 2014 - 5:32pm
I have a strange bump in my mouth for a few months now. It's hard but doesn't hurt or bother me much. I went to the dentist but forgot to ask about it. He didn't see anything wrong, should I be ...
July 7, 2014 - 5:52pm
I am wondering about spinal stroke and if there are any symptoms that one can look for?
July 7, 2014 - 5:37pm
Out of nowhere I began having severe allergy symptoms like congestion and sneezing. I tried Benedryl, but it really made me drowsy and feel really strange all day. And the non drowsy allergy ...
July 7, 2014 - 7:17am
Seeing news skin products everyday. I would love to try them but don't know if they are safe for my skin. What is a good way to test to make sure my skin does not react.
July 3, 2014 - 10:31am
Losing a lot of hair. Is it seasonal or temporary? Anything I can do to prevent it?
July 1, 2014 - 11:23pm
I have a bad heart. Everyone tells me to drink red wine or whisky. Is that true? How much should I drink per day?
July 1, 2014 - 1:32pm
I have sensitive skin and can not use dryer sheets.
July 1, 2014 - 9:21am
My heels are dry, rough, cracked...the list goes on. How do I heal them? Perhaps there are home remedies or inexpensive products?
June 30, 2014 - 11:03pm
I am not ready to have children but I want to some day. More and more women are having kids later in life but does it put me or my chances at risk the longer I wait?
June 30, 2014 - 2:48pm
We see signs saying cigarette smoking is injurious to health. Why can't the government ban cigarettes vs putting up signs that no one cares about ? Is it the powerful tobacco industry?
June 30, 2014 - 8:38am
I have a friend who was diagnosed with bipolar disorder years ago and seems to be handing it well now. However, she has episodes and I'd like to know how I can best help here during these times. ...
June 27, 2014 - 4:27pm
I've been looking for a new family practice doctor after moving to a new city. How can I find the best fit for me and my family? What questions should I be asking? Does anyone have suggestions as ...
June 27, 2014 - 1:09pm