After becoming completely debilitated six weeks after having a tick embedded on me, I recovered from Lyme after a year and half of treatment. After surgery, the battle began again with Babesia another tick-borne disease. If I had not sought out answers about my quick onslaught of symptoms, I'd still be bedridden and unable to bathe, clothe or feed myself. It is my quest to inform others that there are two standards of care for the treatment of Lyme Disease and not let the same fate befall others as myself.
With the proper care, I am no longer feeling any lingering effects of Lyme Disease or Babesia.
Since my horrific experience with Lyme and Babesia, I have been a major advocate of being proactive in your health. This includes listening to your body and following those signals that it sends ...
FootlooseFancyFree commented on FootlooseFancyFree's post Dead Tired? Adrenal Fatigue? Lyme Disease?