I try to be as active as possible, volunteering with SHELTER DOGS and THE HOMELESS. I have several health issues, OSTEOARTHRITIS, FIBERMYALGIA, SJOGREN'S SYNDROME and three very worn DISCS! WATER AEROBICS helps quite a lot and I go to the local YMCA to do the classes three times a week!
Hi! I read someplace that Combining Cinnamon and Honey and spreading it on your toast, instead of butter, is helpful for Arthritis and high Blood Pressure! True or not?
May 30, 2013 - 11:09am
A few months ago my regular family doctor gave me a reall scare, telling me I had LUPUS! I made an appointment with a RHEUMATOLOGIST who performed very specific tests ...
April 12, 2012 - 7:37pm
Hi, I'm Helimarie! I just joined this group and would like to communicate with people who suffer from Arthritis, in general! I have pain from OSTEOARTHRITIS ranging ...
April 12, 2012 - 7:25pm
Just received a call from my doctor's office telling me that tests show I have LUPUS! I'm scared as I know nothing about this decease! I have the DRY EYE SYNDROME and ...
September 13, 2011 - 5:28pm
Wow I am having nearly the same condition. My feet, legs, and knees hurt all the time. But it is worse in the morning, and I am stiff as a board when I get out of bed. It does gradually get better ...
Finncess1 commented on Jenb's post My feet, legs, and joints are stiff in the morning why?