EmpowHER Guest

In 2009 more than $100 billion dollars were spent in the U.S. on high tech medical scans like MRI, CT, and PET. Unfortunately, new studies show up to 50 percent of the scans should never have been ...

derek.hildenbrand commented on Anonymous' post The High Cost of Bad Radiology


College students regularly complain of being tired, not getting enough sleep, or not being able to focus on tests. While this is often brushed off as being a part of the partying lifestyle ...

derek.hildenbrand commented on dkonig's post Insomnia Present in College Students


Obstructive sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder. The flow of air through the airway passage either pauses momentarily or decreases while the person is asleep. This may happen due to a ...

derek.hildenbrand commented on Mamta Singh's post Obstructive Sleep Apnea Can Increase Risk of Stroke