Having some safe and natural at home remedies at your disposal can be invaluable. Here are some tips for what to keep around when health issues arise: Digestive Troubles Many of us will ...

Natural Medicine Chest


To many, the idea of eliminating dairy from their diet seems an impossible request. We love our dairy....we love our cheese! Many of us won't give it up without a fight, but once we do..we see ...

Dairy is for Baby Cows....


When I write these blogs, I really try to keep things as light as possible, even when I’m telling you about a serious health issue that I’ve dealt with. But sometimes, I’ve had such a negative ...

Dr. Susan commented on Michelle King Robson's post The Story of My Thyroid, Part 1—Why Terms Like TSH, T3, T4, and Saliva Tests Should Be Part of Every Woman’s Vocabulary


A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection that begins in any part of the urinary system, from the kidneys, to the ureters or bladder and urethra. Women tend to be at greater risk of UTI and ...

Natural Treatment Of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)


Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO's) are as usual a hot topic in the natural food and natural medicine world. But what are GMO's and why should the general population be concerned about ...

Are You GMO Savvy? You Need To Be.


It still astonishes me that even with all the information we have regarding the use of artificial sweeteners and soda in general, that I still see many individuals continuing to drink Diet Soda ...

Diet Soda...Zero Calories Does Not Equal Zero Impact.


I have been on my menstrual period since the beginning of November of 2008 with one day in between. I am also unable to get pregnant I had this problem before this started and didn't know why. My ...

Dr. Susan commented on samslife85's post A plea for some kind of answer for a very long menstrual cycle


As winter changes into spring, around the world many of us are suffering from the sneezing, wheezing, runny nose and itching eyes that accompanies seasonal allergies. Relief doesn't necessarily ...

5 Simple Ways to Help Beat Seasonal Allergies...Naturally!


Themogenic foods essentially take more energy to process/digest than what they provide, so they help raise your metabolism and burn body fat. Here is a list of the top ten thermogenic fruits and ...

Top Ten Thermogenic Foods..Burn Calories While You Eat These!


1. ELIMINATE ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS If one is looking for a healthy way of eating, eliminating all artificial sweeteners is a great place to start. There's not enough safety information on ...

10 Ways to Improve Your Diet


Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is one of the most common disorders seen by physicians today. As many as one in five American adults has IBS and yet it goes unspoken because of the seemingly ...

Dr. Susan commented on Dr. Susan's post Acupuncture Treatment of IBS


Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is one of the most common disorders seen by physicians today. As many as one in five American adults has IBS and yet it goes unspoken because of the seemingly ...

Acupuncture Treatment of IBS


In earlier times, when fermentation was one of the main methods for the preservation of food, the intake of probiotic bacteria was high. Today the situation is different. The use of freezers, ...

Why Do We Need Probiotics?


My Cortisol levels have been higher the past 9 months. Can anyone tell me what I can do to bring my level down? I used to run about 21 but now I'm up to 30. Thanks so much, Michelle

Dr. Susan commented on Michelle King Robson's post Can someone tell me how to bring my Cortisol level down?


In recent years PARABENS have become a very hot topic. Many of you may be wondering what parabens are, where you find them and why they should be avoided. First, lets begin with the what: ...

Is Your Paraben Habit Making You Fat or Worse... Causing Cancer?


I'm just wondering if anyone out there has ever tried acupuncture to help with their migraines? I sometimes get migraines 4 or 5 times a month. It is rare if I go 10 days without one. I have ...

Dr. Susan commented on Cyndi's post Acupuncture for migraines?


I'm just wondering if anyone out there has ever tried acupuncture to help with their migraines? I sometimes get migraines 4 or 5 times a month. It is rare if I go 10 days without one. I have ...

Dr. Susan commented on Cyndi's post Acupuncture for migraines?


Transitioning into the winter months equates to less sun exposure and significantly lower levels of Vitamin D systemically. Vitamin D deficiency was once thought to be fairly rare and usually ...

Winter Warning: Start Thinking About Vitamin D


I hear so much about fish oil and flax seed oil. I know that they are good for us but they seem to be a lot alike in the health benefits they are said to offer. What's the difference between ...

Dr. Susan commented on Anne's post Fish oil and flax seed oil


I hear so much about fish oil and flax seed oil. I know that they are good for us but they seem to be a lot alike in the health benefits they are said to offer. What's the difference between ...

Dr. Susan commented on Anne's post Fish oil and flax seed oil


It has been hard to ignore lately, the ads running on television trying to dispel the negative reputation that high fructose corn syrup has gained over recent years. It's part of an 18-month ...

The Not So Sweet Story on High Fructose Corn Syrup


For most of my life, I have had cholesterol that has been under 200. Recently, however, after a routine cholesterol test (it did include fasting) as part of an annual exam, I learned my ...

Dr. Susan commented on Anne's post High cholesterol: Are drugs the only real treatment?


Insomnia is estimated to affect more than half of the U.S. adult population. Insomnia can take many different forms: difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, waking up too early, or waking up ...

A Good Nights Sleep...Insomnia Relief.


Has anyone tried Chaste Tree as a supplement/herb to help regulate your menstrual cycle? It is hormone free, and I heard it helps with cramping, headaches and breast tenderness.

Dr. Susan commented on Free2Bme's post Has anyone tried Chaste Tree supplement to relieve PMS symptoms and regulate cycle?


Many of us already know the benefits of drinking plenty of water and proper hydration, but with the simple addition of fresh lemon juice you may have yourself a very healing beverage. I ...

Good Mornings with Lemon Water.


It has been hard to ignore lately...the advertisements and marketing of FLU shots...at doctor's offices, clinics, pharmacies and even grocery stores. Yes, the time is upon us...FLU SEASON. With ...

Just Say "NO" to the Flu Shot....


Short of surgery, is there anything you can do for degenerative disc disease? Has anyone noticed improvement through stretching or exercise? Diet, any supplements? Surgery is an absolute last ...

Dr. Susan commented on jetpackjenny's post Does anyone know of a natural treatment/relief for degenerative disc disease?


I came across this list in body + soul magazine, written by Terri Trespicio. It resonated with me today and I thought it may with all of you as well: Ten Thoughts on Whole ...

Ten Thoughts on Whole Living.


At some point in our lives we will have to face the loss of a loved one, sometimes it is sudden and at other times it is expected - in either circumstance the grief and sense of loss can be just ...

Homeopathy Can Ease The Grieving Process


There is no doubt that a clean diet and exercise are keys in healthy weight management. So why is it that many of us eat well and are active but still have difficulty in losing weight? A few ...

Detoxification Is An Important Element In Weight Loss.


(Natural News) The FDA has announced this last week that spinach and lettuce sold across the United States may now be secretly irradiated before it reaches grocery store shelves. What's "secret" ...

FSA Unleashes Mass Irradiation of Spinach, Lettuce and Other Vegetables.


These days we all want to look and feel our best, but at what expense are we willing to accomplish this? With anti-aging therapies such as Botox and Restylane becoming more and more common place, ...

Dr. Susan commented on Dr. Susan's post Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation...A Natural Botox Alternative.


I'm wondering if kids (under 5) can or should eat the yogurt Activia? It seems very healthy and promotes digestive health but I'm not sure if small (er) kids can eat it. Thanks!

Dr. Susan commented on GauguinFan's post Should kids eat Activia?


These days we all want to look and feel our best, but at what expense are we willing to accomplish this? With anti-aging therapies such as Botox and Restylane becoming more and more common place, ...

Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation...A Natural Botox Alternative.


Can anyone tell me the best method for testing hormone deficiency? I've heard cheek swab, blood draw..but which is best?

Dr. Susan commented on lpope's post hormone deficient


With the cost of oil and gasoline on the rise, there has been plenty of discussion regarding the state of oil dependency in the U.S. and how we can reduce it. I have been a proponent of ...

Dr. Susan commented on Dr. Susan's post Dish Soap Can Help Save The World....And Oil.


With the cost of oil and gasoline on the rise, there has been plenty of discussion regarding the state of oil dependency in the U.S. and how we can reduce it. I have been a proponent of ...

Dish Soap Can Help Save The World....And Oil.


Recently, I had a family member consult me regarding the prescription of medication for her son who has been diagnosed with a "mild form of ADD". The physcian recommended that he be given a low ...

Dr. Susan commented on Dr. Susan's post ADD/ADHD and Diet.


Recently, I had a family member consult me regarding the prescription of medication for her son who has been diagnosed with a "mild form of ADD". The physcian recommended that he be given a low ...

Dr. Susan commented on Dr. Susan's post ADD/ADHD and Diet.


Recently, I had a family member consult me regarding the prescription of medication for her son who has been diagnosed with a "mild form of ADD". The physcian recommended that he be given a low ...

ADD/ADHD and Diet.


I was really shocked to read about how young kids are being put on cholesterol-lowering statin drugs, based on new guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics. The scary thing to me is ...

Dr. Susan commented on Kristin Davis' post Should kids as young as 8 be on cholesterol-lowering drugs?


I'm wondering if anyone has ever done one of those body detox programs like the Master Cleanse? It's with lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper and water. Sounds horrible but apparently it ...

Dr. Susan commented on Annefleur's post Do body cleansers/detox work?


According to conservative estimates, approximately 15 million people suffer from hay fever (allergic rhinitis) and 17 million more from asthma. An allergic reaction occurs when the immune ...

Dr. Susan commented on Dr. Susan's post Natural Medicne RX--Allergy Season


According to conservative estimates, approximately 15 million people suffer from hay fever (allergic rhinitis) and 17 million more from asthma. An allergic reaction occurs when the immune ...

Dr. Susan commented on Dr. Susan's post Natural Medicne RX--Allergy Season


According to conservative estimates, approximately 15 million people suffer from hay fever (allergic rhinitis) and 17 million more from asthma. An allergic reaction occurs when the immune ...

Dr. Susan commented on Dr. Susan's post Natural Medicne RX--Allergy Season


I recently went through a little health scare, which I have documented through the following journal entries below: 3/15/08 “Life is what happens while you are making other plans.” It’s a ...

Dr. Susan commented on joanna's post My Little Health Scare -- A Fibroid Story


According to conservative estimates, approximately 15 million people suffer from hay fever (allergic rhinitis) and 17 million more from asthma. An allergic reaction occurs when the immune ...

Natural Medicne RX--Allergy Season