Yesterday I posted: Dementia/Alzheimer's and Being the caregiver I'd like very much to be part of this group and learn how I can be a better caregiving spouse, however, now he is in a home, so ...

zoeeadam commented on Princeline's post Dementia/Alzheimer's and Being the caregiver


Yesterday I posted: Dementia/Alzheimer's and Being the caregiver I'd like very much to be part of this group and learn how I can be a better caregiving spouse, however, now he is in a home, so ...

zoeeadam commented on Princeline's post Dementia/Alzheimer's and Being the caregiver


Just received a call from my doctor's office telling me that tests show I have LUPUS! I'm scared as I know nothing about this decease! I have the DRY EYE SYNDROME and ...

zoeeadam commented on Finncess1's post I was diagnosed with Lupus today!


Just received a call from my doctor's office telling me that tests show I have LUPUS! I'm scared as I know nothing about this decease! I have the DRY EYE SYNDROME and ...

zoeeadam commented on Finncess1's post I was diagnosed with Lupus today!