Sure, being able to travel is amazing, but traveling itself is no spa day.

The average American’s holiday journey is a whopping 275 miles long, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation.

Losing beauty sleep to wake up before the crack of dawn only to realize there’s been a flight delay and then having to sit through a long plane ride can drain a woman mentally and physically. The same can be said for enduring long car rides that seem to last forever.

No matter how and where you're traveling, a few simple tips can help make for a better experience.

Here are five ways to stay refreshed when you’re on the go:

1. Invest in a facial mist.

Facial mists in the United States at this point are considered one of those extraneous products only found in the purses of fashion magazine editors and makeup artists, but they’re as necessary as sunscreen in Korea, a country that’s all about skin care.

Facial mists can help bring your skin back to life after long hours of travel as well as add some extra nutrients like açai berry antioxidants and aloe vera. With just a few sprays, a facial mist can help hydrate and brighten your skin. They can be used with and without makeup, and can be bought in travel sized bottles, so no one is forced to watch their mist be thrown out by TSA.

2. Moisturize.

Sitting in a plane or car means not moving for a while. Take advantage of that time by applying lotion to your hands and covering them with gloves for a while. This allows the lotion to better penetrate the skin, leaving softer, smoother hands sans gloves. The same can be done for feet. Try this out at home first before flying or driving, as some may feel more uncomfortable doing this on their journey.

3. Deep condition in secret

A quick glance around an airport shows an abundance of sweatpants, comfy sweaters, and top-knots. If hair is going to be thrown into a bun or a hat, it’s qualified for a deep condition. Before leaving the house, coat damp hair in a modest amount of deep conditioning product. Blow dry to keep it manageable, and then tie it up and let time do the rest.

4. Try a sheet mask.

Sheet masks are also popular in Korea. These paper masks come in packets and are saturated in skin care formulas. Want to brighten complexion? Reduce pore size? There’s a sheet mask for that. The best past about these grab-and-go facials is that all one has to do is put them on and lay back to let the product soak in. For someone already resting during plane and car rides, is sort of like killing two birds with one stone.

5. Drink more.

While coffee and alcohol could make travel more bearable, they can also cause dehydration. Downing a cappuccino or a mini Smirnoff in-flight might also lead to an impatient time outside a cramped bathroom.

According to Harvard Health Publications, typical humidity in an airplane cabin is five to 10 percent, meaning passengers lose water in their bodies every time they breathe. Drinking tea (the real stuff you brew yourself, not the sugary substances disguised as healthy drinks) hydrates the body and provides energy without the eventual crash. If tea’s not your thing, try infusing water with slices of lemon or cucumber, both of which can aid digestion and metabolism.