I want to know whether or not paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, or PSVT, is a serious condition and what I can expect if I’ve been newly diagnosed.

PSVT might be easier to understand if we break it down into its individual parts:

• P or Paroxysmal. Paroxysmal means that something occurs suddenly or from time to time. PVST is not symptomatic all the time.

• S or Supra. Supra is an adjective which means above or over. In this case, supra means over or above the ventricles.

• V or Ventricular. The heart is divided into two areas: the atria or upper heart chambers, and the ventricles or lower heart chambers. Ventricular in this case means the ventricles or the lower heart chambers.

• T or Tachycardia. Tachycardia is a condition where the heart beats more rapidly than normal. For most adults, a normal resting heartbeat is 60-100 beats per minute.
