Summer fun can lead to summer pain if you spend too much time in the sun without using enough sunscreen. It’s always best to avoid a sunburn if you can.

But if it’s too late for that, try these natural remedies that you probably have at home to help your skin feel better faster.

1) Keep it cool

Sunburned skin radiates heat. Help cool your skin using a cool compress such as a soft washcloth rinsed in cool water. Re-moisten the cloth every few minutes as the compress warms up. Or take a cool shower to help soothe the burn.

2) Soothing bath

A bubble bath may sound soothing, but the soap and perfumes can make your sore skin even more dry. Try one of these instead.

One cup of apple cider or regular white vinegar in your bath will help balance the pH of your skin to promote healing. An oatmeal bath can relieve itchy skin. Or add two cups of baking soda to the water to reduce redness. Essential oils such as lavender or chamomile can also help relieve sunburn pain.

3) Hydrate

If you spent enough time in the sun to get burned, you and your skin are probably dehydrated. Drink extra water, juice or sports drinks to replenish lost fluids and help your skin to heal.

4) Use dairy

Soothe sore skin by applying cool milk or yogurt to your skin with a clean cloth. The protein in the milk will form a film that can ease sunburn pain.

5) Vitamin E

Whether you take it as a supplement or apply the oil directly to your skin, vitamin E is an antioxidant that can help reduce inflammation.

6) Black tea

Brew black tea and let it cool, then apply it to your skin with a clean cloth to help re-balance your skin’s pH. You can also add mint to the tea for a cooling effect.

If your eyelids are burned, soak tea bags in cool water and apply them to your eyelids to take down swelling and ease the ache.

7) Restore moisture

Your burned skin is crying out for more moisture. As soon as you finish with a bath or compress, apply bath oil or a good quality moisturizer. Keep your moisturizer in the refrigerator for even more cooling.

8) Aloe vera

This cactus plant contains a gel inside the leaves that can help ease sunburn pain and speed healing. If you don’t want to grow the plant, you can buy pure aloe vera gel or find many lotions and other sunburn products that contain aloe vera.

After a Burn — Protect Your Skin

Once you have a sunburn, your skin if even more likely to burn again. According to, it can take three to six months for your skin to return to normal after a sunburn. If your skin peels from a sunburn, the “new” skin is even more sensitive and likely to burn.

So after a burn, be sure to protect your skin even more when you are outdoors. Wear protective clothing including hats and sunglasses, and make sure to apply a sunscreen with at least an SPF 30 on all exposed skin.

If you have questions about your skin or sunburn damage, talk to your health care provider.

Reviewed July 7, 2016
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith