Sleep apnea symptoms may be treated successfully with a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) mask. CPAP masks are available that work through the night to keep you breathing while you sleep. Some go over the nose, some over the nose and mouth, and some are just for the mouth. CPAP masks come in different sizes.

There are some things you can try on your own to reduce your sleep apnea symptoms. Lose weight if you need to. Quit smoking. Cut down alcohol intake. Go to bed and get up at the same time each day. Avoid caffeine. Reconsider any medications you may be taking.

Sleep apnea symptoms are understandably very worrisome to the person suffering from them. Use of a CPAP mask can reduce the worry.

"All the research done to date strongly supports the fact that patients with significant sleep apnea (moderate to severe) who use CPAP regularly have a markedly reduced risk of death from all causes and specifically from heart attacks and strokes."