Thanks to the media, you now know there’s a term for those less-than-shapely lower legs of yours—they’re called “cankles.” Since the condition is widespread and bothersome enough to have an official name, does that mean there’s something you can do about your cankles?

Well, maybe.

Cankles, or calves that descend straight into the ankles without an attractive curve, can be caused by a variety of factors. One is edema, or swelling. If you’re pregnant and suffer from puffy ankles, that’s not unusual. Chances are excellent your lower legs will regain their former look once your child is born and your body’s normal circulation pattern is re-established. It’s also not surprising if a recent ankle injury causes swelling that lasts a long time. Eventually it should resolve itself.

But if you should develop swollen ankles somewhat suddenly, with no apparent cause, a trip to your doctor is in order. According to the Mayo Clinic, the condition can be caused by kidney disease and heart problems among other serious health issues. It can also arise courtesy of less serious but still troublesome problems like gout.

If you have a clean bill of health but still have cankles, it could be that your diet is at fault. High levels of sodium can cause fluid retention that can settle in your ankles. Gold’s Gym, in its tongue-in-cheek “Say No to Cankles” campaign, suggests measuring your ankles in the morning and again at night to see if you’re retaining fluid. If the answer is “yes,” try reducing your salt intake and see if you notice a difference.

For many people, cankles are simply a result of being overweight. Fat deposits can take up residence up and down your legs just as they do elsewhere. Though there’s no such thing as “spot reducing,” a high-intensity, cardiovascular exercise program will help you shed fat everywhere, including your ankles. Gold’s Gym recommends exercises that promote circulation in the legs, such as brisk walking.

Exercise will also help you further develop your calf muscles. Some people lack definition in their calves, contributing to that straight-up-and-down leg look. A program of options like bicycling or step aerobics can help build up your calves. After all, one Gold’s Gym staff member noted, “Have you ever seen how great step instructors’ calves are?”

What if your weight is under control, you get plenty of exercise and you’re not retaining fluid—and you still have cankles? You may just be at the mercy of your genetic makeup. You may have ankles that are more muscular than usual. Or, just as some normal-weight people have saddlebags and some have love handles, your DNA may dictate that you have some extra fat around your ankles. Is liposuction an option?

Again, the answer is maybe. In this case, it’s vital to seek more than one opinion from board certified plastic surgeons—an honest evaluation of the cause of your cankles. Is it really fat that can be easily suctioned out?

Today, some surgeons who perform cosmetic procedures will do liposuction on ankles, but the reviews are mixed at best. One of the first things you need to know is that the procedure can be quite painful and almost invariably results in swelling that lasts for months. In addition, ankles can be challenging to re-shape, and sometimes unnatural bumps and indentations can result. Take a close look at all the before and after photos you can get your hands on. You may notice that the change for many patients is modest or even hard to spot.

Last but not least, there’s the old standby for dealing with any body part that bothers you: strategic fashion choices. The goal here is to avoid focusing attention on your cankles, so shy away from tight, tapered pants, pants cropped above the ankle in just the wrong spot, ankle socks and shoes with ankle straps. Instead, choose looser, drapey pants, socks that end at the shoe line, clean-looking slides and wedges without straps and attractive boots.