Orgasm is the physical and emotional sensation experienced at the peak of sexual excitation, usually resulting from stimulation of the female sexual organs. The French refer to it as “le petit mort” which translates to “the little death.” Forty-seven percent of women have their first orgasm through masturbation and unlike men, can enjoy multiple orgasms.

Fact #1. Studies show orgasm can reduce sensitivity to pain, relieve menstrual cramps, and alleviate stress. In an article in, Lisa Stern, RN, MSN, said “There is some evidence that orgasms can relieve all kinds of pain—including pain from arthritis, pain after surgery and even pain during childbirth.” She adds this is possibly due to a surge in oxytocin and dopamine.

Fact #2. Condoms don’t affect orgasm quality.

Fact #3. Thirty percent of women have trouble reaching orgasm. According to Planned Parenthood statistics, less than one third of women regularly experience orgasm during sex.

Fact #4. Finding the G-spot may help the chance of orgasm. Sex experts believe this area contains a large number of nerve endings and is key to experience longer and stronger orgasms.

Fact #5. Nearly 80 percent of women have difficulty with orgasm from vaginal intercourse alone. That changes with adequate foreplay. Most women require at least 20 minutes of clitoral or G-spot stimulation to climax.

Fact #6. Orgasm gets better with age. In the article in, Dr. Herbenick reported the quality and frequency of orgasm may actually improve with age. “While 61 percent of women ages 18 to 24 experienced orgasm the last time they had sex, 65 percent of women in their 30s did and about 70 percent of women in their 40s and 50s did.”

Fact #7. Women who mix things up in the bedroom have more frequent orgasm.

Fact #8. Sexual self-esteem can affect the quality of orgasm. In an article in, it referred to research that showed how a woman feels about her genitals is linked to the quality of her orgasms.

Fact #9. There is an orgasm gap between men and women. The article in said it’s rare when men have trouble achieving orgasm. Instead, a significant percentage of women reported not having had an orgasm the last time they had sex, even when their male partner thought they had.

Fact #10. In rare instances, orgasm can actually happen without genital stimulation. In the article in, Stern said, “The reason for spontaneous orgasms during certain activities is twofold — increased blood flow to the genitals and vibration of or contact with the clitoris.”


Reviewed May 31, 2011
Edited by Alison Stanton