Dr. Lieberman describes what one can do if he/she thinks a loved one has schizophrenia.
Dr. Lieberman:
If someone is concerned about a family member or a friend having a psychiatric problem, the best thing to do is to get them the proper evaluation. It may begin with their primary care physician, but very likely will need to go to a psychiatrist or a trained mental health care professional. Many people are reticent to do that, “No I don’t need to see a shrink; there’s nothing wrong with me,” or they may not know where to go. How do you find a good therapist or a good psychiatrist?
But, it’s worth taking the time to figure it out, either by going to your primary care doctor, going to a website that may list people such as the American Psychiatrist Associations’ district branch, or calling the medical school department of psychiatry in your city and asking, “I think I have some kind of problem, it’s mood, it’s schizophrenia, it’s addiction, it’s memory impairment. Who would be a good doctor on your staff to see?” But realize that may take some investigation, but you should get evaluated.
About Dr. Lieberman, M.D.:
Jeffrey A. Lieberman, M.D. currently is the Lawrence E. Kolb Chairman of Psychiatry at the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and Director of the New York State Psychiatric Institute. He also holds the Lieber Chair and Directs the Lieber Center for Schizophrenia Research in the Department of Psychiatry at Columbia.
Visit Dr. Lieberman at his website