I love lists -- 10 best of this, 5 worst of that -- so I can’t help but compile a list or two of my own from time to time. Subject: Embarrassing pregnancy problems. Sure, it’s a beautiful concept -- carrying your child for nine months and then finally getting to hold your precious one in your arms.

You’ve forgotten all about the gas, itchy nipples and leaky breasts. But hey, that’s why we’re here -- to remind you.

Gas and Burping

Nurse Sheri Bayles, a New York City-based childbirth expert, explained it when interviewed by Parents.com, “Your bowels become crowded and your digestion may become more erratic, leaving you gassy and bloated.”

Add to that the fact that many health-conscious women change their diet around this time to include a lot of veggies and fruits.

No worries, the recommendation is to eat in small amounts. This means eating more frequently as well. Stay active but don’t overdo it. Continue to eat healthy. This means cutting out fatty or greasy foods and soft drinks.

If gassiness bothers you when you are trying to sleep, prop your head up on pillows. Still windy? You may need to see your doc for medicine.

Itchy Nipples

The girls are going to grow when baby is growing. To most, that’s a good thing! But as your breasts grow, the already easily irritated skin on the breast is stretched. This is why the itching starts.

What can you do? Smooth on a thick, emollient, lanolin cream might do the trick. Some have found that cocoa butter or even vitamin E body lotion helpful. Use the rule of common sense and don’t wear itchy fabrics. Wear soft fabrics instead.

Word of caution: if a rash or bloody discharge develops, call your doctor. The problem could be any of several conditions that may take testing to diagnose.

Leaky Breasts

So not only could your breasts itch, they might start to leak as well. The hormone called prolactin rises in anticipation of the baby coming. As a result, by the latter part of pregnancy, a small amount of fluid may leak from time to time.

To prevent leakage from spoiling your clothing, use nursing pads inside your bra. Just make sure the fluid is not bloody or foul-smelling. See your doctor if so.


20 Most Embarrassing Pregnancy Problems. Parents.com. Web. 13 September 2011.

Weird Pregnancy Symptoms You Didn't Expect (Or Wouldn't Have Believed Anyways). Parentsconnect.com. Web. 13 September 2011

Dita Faulkner blogs about heavens knows what…well, just as long as it’s about women’s issues and what makes us ladies tick. Check it out at:

Reviewed September 15, 2011
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith