Women can be high maintenance. We know it’s true. But, men can be complicated. That we know as well.

Most of the time, we know our guy loves us, but sometimes we just need to hear him say it.

When a couple begins to date, the male is usually all over her with loving words and compliments. The woman revels in the attention, even though the average man is generally thinking, "When are we having sex?"

As the relationship continues, women may notice that the compliments become fewer. A man doesn’t say the words “I love you” as often as he used to, which can sometimes cause trouble in the relationship.

What you have to remember is that a man’s brain is wired differently than a woman’s. It doesn’t mean he’s stopped loving you or was born with the emotions of an African tsetse fly, he just shows it differently.

So, if you’re looking for clues about whether your man really loves you, then read on. You might be pleasantly surprised.

• Look and Listen.
If you long to hear the words "I love you" loud and clear, listen for the clip of a staple gun or the buzz of a circular saw. Doing household chores or repairs is one way he shows his affection for you. Don’t miss the clue. Nothing says he loves you more clearly than a power tool.

• Come at it sideways.
Most men on this planet were raised to be strong and responsible. Displays of emotions were not encouraged. This traditional upbringing becomes ingrained a man and, thus, a very hard habit to break. Instead of coming right out and asking him if he loves you, come at it from a sneakier angle.

Ask if he remembers what you were wearing on your first date or what would be his ideal date night. His responses will reveal how he feels about you without saying the actual words.

• Do stuff together.
Researchers claim that men share their feelings more with activities that are fun and interesting for both of you. Playing golf, hiking, or watching a movie together brings on closeness and makes it easier for him to express his love in ways other than with words.

• Share Positive Emotions. Men don’t always understand subtle hints by women and may miss clues from the tone in your voice or your facial expression (unless you’re yelling, of course). So, try not to be upset when he doesn’t catch the sadness in your eyes. Instead, grab his attention by making him laugh or whispering sensual words into his ear.

Positive vibes from you will kick up his mood a notch. A man’s emotions are more likely to shut down in a negative environment. He’s more apt to show his loving side if he’s in a good mood.

Just because a man’s brain is wired differently than a woman’s doesn't mean he stopped loving you or that he was born with the emotions of an African tsetse fly.

So forget that sterotype. And forget this one too. All women are not high maintenance. A loving gesture, some sweet words, or a hug in the kitchen instead of the bedroom are really all we need ... almost.


WEBMD - Slideshow: 18 Secrets Guys Wish You Knew. Web. 19, February, 2012 http://www.webmd.com/sex-relationships/ss/slideshow-secrets-guys-wish-you-knew?ecd=wnl_day_021512

Live Science - 10 Things Every Woman Should Know About a Man's Brain. Web. 19, February, 2012

Reviewed February 20, 2012
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith