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8 Ways You Can Help Your Man Lead a Healthier Lifestyle

By HERWriter
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4) Do things you enjoy together

Being physically active can burn calories, improve mood, lift self-esteem and reduce the effects of stress.

But none of that will happen if he doesn't like what he's doing. If he's doing something he loves, he's more likely to continue.

Maybe he likes to swim or ride his bike. Join him in a dance class and make it a date night as well.


Nobody's saying your man isn't perfectly capable of acing his own health. Maybe he's already healthier than you, and you could really use HIS help.

But lifestyle change can be hard, and is sometimes an ongoing battlre. All of us could do with a hand in that department from time to time.

Here are eight suggestions to help you both on your journey down the road to robust health.

Tips for men for a healthy life. Womenshealth.gov. Retrieved June 15, 2016.

5 Simple Rules For Amazing Health. Authoritynutrition.com. Retrieved June 15, 2016.

Test yourself: How do your habits measure up? WebMD.com. Retrieved June 15, 2016.

Healthy Living: 8 Steps to Take Today WebMD.com. Retrieved June 15, 2016.

Exercise and Depression WebMD.com. Retrieved June 15, 2016.

Tai Chi: Meditation In Motion. Retrieved June 15, 2016.

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