It is the season of office parties, holiday open houses, happy hours, etc. Many of us receive numerous invitations this time of year that call for a raising a glass of cheer. Internationally, you can hear the clanking of the glasses with the words Cheers, Salud, Cent’anni, and L’chaim being heard. For many of us and admittedly me included, we can bypass the cookies and holiday desserts, but not the “liquid festivities". While you too may only drink “moderately” during the holidays, the calories can add up a little more than you realize. So while we may have the willpower to bypass the festive h'ordeuvres and decadent desserts, liquid calories could put a snag in our efforts. Alcohol is an easy way to pack on unwanted pounds during the holidays.

The types of alcohol you consume can also play a role in the number of extra calories. One of the worst choices is eggnog--even non-spiked with cheer it can set you back about 340 calories per glass. If you add whiskey to your eggnog, add in another 105 calories per 1.5 oz. A four-ounce frozen daiquiri will cost you an additional 216 calories. The same size margarita will add an additional 270 and the ever deceiving mai tai cocktail a whopping 310 calories.

Here are some delicious mocktails you can make to entertain your friends and your taste buds, from my Fitness Answer Meal Plan.

Fake Sangria
½ cup of pineapple juice
2 bottles of Perrier
¼ cup of strawberries
¼ cup of raspberries
1 orange (sliced)
3 limes
3 lemons
1 apple (sliced)
1 pink grapefruit
4 tbsp. of stevia powder
Pour pineapple juice and Perrier into a pitcher with all fruit except lemons and limes. Squeeze juice from lemons and limes, then slice remainder of fruit and add to mixture. Add in stevia powder and stir. Let sit overnight.

Decadent Daiquiri
1/2 cup pineapple juice
10 frozen strawberries
1/2 frozen banana
1 cup coconut water
Place all ingredients in blender with one cup of ice and puree until smooth. (Serves 6)

Almond Nog
½ gallon of unsweetened vanilla almond milk
¼ cup of ice
1 tsp. of vanilla extract
1 tbsp. of agave nectar
Mix milk, vanilla agave and ice in bleeder, pour into glasses and sprinkle with cinnamon and nutmeg. (Serves 8)

Joanne Sgro is a Television Fitness Expert, Certified Personal Trainer and Sport Nutritionist. She is Certified in Pilates, Pre-natal/Post-Partum, Yoga and Senior Fitness. She specializes in Weight Loss, Post-Rehab and Post Cancer Training. Joanne's fitness plans and recipes are available globally on her website She resides in the Phoenix, AZ area where she runs her personal training business, Fitness Answer, LLC.