Quite frankly, I get annoyed and roll my eyes every time I see a dramatic weight loss story of a celebrity who just gave birth on the cover of a magazine.

Magazine covers featuring formerly pregnant celebrities are possibly doing harm to the self-esteem of women who do not employ a trainer, plastic surgeon, nutritionist, chef, Pilates or yoga instructor, nanny and life coach.

The average woman has a job, a household to run, and if she's lucky she might have the temporary aid of a mother or mother-in-law to assist when the baby is born. Most parents are sleep deprived and don’t have nannies to assist with a newborn.

When Princess Kate Middleton left the hospital with her baby, she still displayed a slight belly bump.

This slight bump is natural, folks, as the uterus is enlarged for more than six weeks after giving birth. What's more, a woman who has just given birth has extra fat stored in her breasts for nursing her newborn, which will also result in extra blood supply and more fat stored in her body.

Losing weight after giving birth is a slow and gradual process. It can often take more than two years to lose the baby weight. Also, everyone loses weight at a different rate, so don’t judge yourself if the weight is coming off slowly.

Breastfeeding burns up to 500 calories per day and can assist in your weight loss, as it also activates hormones to reduce the size of your uterus.

If you're feeling bad about your baby fat, resist the impulse to do anything drastic. Don’t start dieting right away. Give yourself plenty of time, a minimum of six to eight weeks, before you restrict your diet. You need proper nutrition to feed your baby, as well as fight off any disease.

Another way to start the weight loss process is to take that baby for a walk. Walk in the neighborhood if the weather permits or take a trip to the local mall or a museum if it is raining or snowing. Newborns are easier to manage than a toddler when traveling.

Squeeze in a little extra physical activity if you're up to it, by parking the car farther away from the entrance of the doctor’s office or the store. The extra walking will easily increase your physical activity.

Finally, stock your refrigerator with healthy foods like whole grain breads, vegetables, fruit, low-fat dairy products, fish and lean meats. After a trip to the grocery store, cut and prepare your own vegetable or fruit tray for an easy-to-reach snack when you open your refrigerator door.

Remember that losing your baby weight will take time. And in the meantime, enjoy your new curves.


"Losing the Baby Weight: The Truth About Shedding Pounds After Birth." Whattoexpect. Web. 26 Aug. 2014.

"Lose the Baby Weight for Good: 18 Real Moms Tell You How." Parents Magazine. Web. 26 Aug. 2014.

Reviewed August 27, 2014
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith