It is an unfortunate truth that the signs of early pregnancy are extremely similar to the symptoms a woman experiences just before getting her period. Whether she is excitedly hoping to become pregnant or actively doing her best to remain fetus-free, these confusing parallels often cause many women (and the people in their lives) anxiety each month. While this overview cannot help you determine your individual pregnancy status, by laying out the ironic similarities of the two situations you will have a better understanding of what could be happening in your body, and why that panicking about the situation is not worth it.

Physiological and Psychological Similarities Between Pre-Menstruation and Pregnancy:

Physical Symptoms:
- Discomfort:
o Cramping, Nausea, bloating
o Headaches, backaches
o Breast tenderness
- Fatigue/tiredness
- Change in consistency or amount of vaginal discharge

Psychological Symptoms:
- Change in appetite; food cravings or aversions
- Change in sleeping patterns
- Irritability or anxiety
- Extreme mood swings

All of these symptoms are caused by changes in your body’s level of hormones. Each month when you come to the end of your cycle, your level of progesterone drops, inhibited by a natural feedback loop of hormones in your body. This allows the lining of your uterus to thin and contract, causing bleeding, cramps and many of the other side-effects we associate with menstruation.

In the case of pregnancy, these side effects are actually caused by an increase of progesterone. Once implantation of an egg and sperm in the uterine wall occurs, the body will begin to produce human chorionic gonadatropin (HCG – the hormone that a pregnancy test measures), which overrides the internal hormone feedback loop you normally experience and allows levels of progesterone to rise.

"So what?" you might be saying. "How does this information help me figure out whether or not I might be pregnant?"

There are many reasons (not limited to the list below) that your body may mimic early signs of pregnancy, altering your normal production of hormones and delaying your period:
1. General stress or anxiety (possibly caused by worry over the idea that you are pregnant)
2. Illness or injury
3. Change in diet, exercise or intake of medication
4. Location or life change (travel, big transitions, etc.)
5. Exposure to other women’s cycles (it is not a myth that women’s menstrual schedules can “sync up”)

So remember to breathe and relax. If you are experiencing any of the situations listed above and have take precautions to prevent pregnancy, it is likely that your period is simply delayed.

The best way to truly know, however, is by taking a pregnancy test. A pregnancy test provides most reliable results one week after your missed period. Though false negatives are possible, if you have waited this long, it is likely your pregnancy test is correct. Contrary to popular belief, if done correctly, a urine home pregnancy test is just as accurate as one done in a doctor’s office.

One last note: if you had unprotected sex in the last five days or want to back up your usual birth control method, the emergency contraceptive (EC) pill can help to prevent pregnancy and is available over-the-counter to women over age 18. EC contains hormones that prevent ovulation, thicken the cervical mucous and thin the uterine lining, making fertilization and implantation of an egg and sperm pair impossible. It is most effective the earlier it is taken. EC is not the abortion pill.

Knowing that you are not alone in worrying about your body’s reactions can help to alleviate stress. Please reassure your fellow EmpowHER enthusiasts by sharing your questions concerns or experiences below!