Now that it is getting a bit warmer and my pregnancy is getting a bit further along, I have started to swim. I used to swim a lot when I was training for triathlons, but I have to admit it is my least favorite exercise. It is boring and it is a hassle.

It is a pain to get all dressed in your swimming attire, swim cap, goggles and all. It is hard to remember to bring all of your after swimming stuff - like towels, flip flops, soap, shampoo, conditioner, and underwear! It stinks to get all wet and cold when you start and then cold again when you finish. And if you look like me when you are done, you can't go anywhere for like 3 hours after because of the nice imprint the goggles leave on your face. I swear I age at least 25 years every time I get out of the pool. My face eventually goes back to normal but it seems to take forever. I am always embarrassed walking through the gym as I look like such an old hag! Uggh, the hassle of swimming!

However, even after all of that, I must admit, it is worth the hassle. I can honestly say out of every single exercise I do, I feel the most worked out after swimming. It works every muscle in your body (without injuring it) as well as gets (and keeps) your heart rate right up there. It is amazing how fit I feel after getting in the pool a few times a week for just the last 3 weeks. It does great things for your arms, back and core - and if you remember to kick - your legs too!

So if you are like me - and feel like it is too much of a hassle to swim, try to look past it and get in the water. I think if you do it a couple of times, you will realize the benefits completely outweigh the negatives (even if the negative is walking around in a bathing suit with a big pregnant body, swim cap and goggles for the whole gym to see - CUTE!)