Former White House Doctor Connie Mariano returns to reveal the added benefits later in life to having your newborn son circumcised after birth.
Should you circumcise your sone?
The are many medical reasons for saying yes.
I'm former White House Doctor Connie Mariano with EmpowHER.
While circumcision remains a personal decision for many parents, there is now some overwhelming medical evidence that shows the procedure can significantly reduce the risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases.
According to the CDC, clinical studies show circumcision reduces a man's risk of HIV during penile-vaginal intercourse.
But that's not all.
Uncircumcised men show an increased risk of genital ulcer disease, chlamydia, urinary tract infections, penile cancer, and cervical cancer for women who are partnered with uncircumcised men.
Studies also show an increased risk of HPV, the human papilomavirus, syphilis, and chancroid.
Now there are additional costs and risks associated with circumcision. And the procedure in no way should be considered a substitute for condoms and other safe sex practices.
But in my opinion and the CDC's, a little snip is well worth the risk.
I'm Dr. Connie Mariano for EmpowHER; To ask any question or for more information visit
Add a Comment70 Comments
Circumcision can become a medical necessity in rare instances. Necessity is the key here. The rest of your post is a false equivalency, off topic, and your own opinion.
February 1, 2013 - 3:57amThis Comment
I was born into this world as an intact male. I have never had a problem with my foreskin. I am not a fan of genital mutilation. I knew boys who have had it done and had problems for years with it. I know some adult males who had it done and the job was botched so bad they can't even have sex anymore. Who are you to decide you know more than nature? Since when did hacking off body parts because the norm? How dare you mutilate a mans body. Or a woman's body where it is even worse because she loses all sexual pleasure for life. Its a sick sick world. Parents, do not mutilate your children. I don't care if woman find it unattractive. I have had my share of women and guess what they all came back to the love machine for more.
November 28, 2012 - 11:10pmThis Comment
i agree with you, in alot of parts in the world the practice is unheard of. and billions of boys/men are fine. i think it's a personal decision that should be made by the male as he gets older, let him research it, see if HE wants it done, not parents, girlfriends etc. HIM ALONE. Let this FOOL go to Africa where girls are FORCIBLY circumcised, see what they think then, it messes the girls up soooo badly that sex is dreaded, PAINFUL.
January 10, 2013 - 2:11amThis Comment
Being in the Military I have seen a fare share of guys getting emergency snips, and as anyone will tell you it is not a nice procedure for an adult.
Look it's just cleaner, the body does not need the extra protection. And going by what the women say a circumcised penis is more pleasing when giving head.
Just my 2cents worth,
November 20, 2012 - 5:50amThis Comment
How is having an open wound in a diaper 'cleaner?'
December 6, 2012 - 10:47amThis Comment
You're right - if boys needed it, the boys would be born with it! Oh, wait...
November 30, 2012 - 1:46pmThis Comment
Who are you to decide that men don't need the extra protection. Just worry about your own wang.
November 28, 2012 - 11:13pmThis Comment
Circumcision is neither guaranteed or necessary for preventing STDs. Behavior is ALWAYS going to be much more important than circumcision status in determining the risk of sexually transmitted diseases. Babies are not sexually active, therefore circumcision of babies for possible prevention of STDs is neither immediately necessary, nor is it ethical. When a male is old enough to decide for himself whether any potentially risk-reducing effects of circumcision seem reasonable or desirable to him, in comparison to his OWN evaluation of the value of having an intact penis, he can make the choice himself.
This video is a travesty of "informed consent." The doctor does not mention the risks or harms of circumcision; the protective or sexual functions of the foreskin; and the ethical problems with performing medically unnecessary amputative surgery on a nonconsenting patient. Parents who really want to be informed will have to look elsewhere for the full truth about this subject. Shame on this doctor for such a misleading video, and for such ignorant disregard for the human rights of baby boys.
November 17, 2012 - 9:46pmThis Comment
Thank you. Doctors are often ill-informed on the matter themselves, as demonstrated by the author of this article. And in some cases, they are driven by their own prejudices...
February 1, 2013 - 4:07amThis Comment
Why any male would want to keep his foreskin is beyond me. I got circumcised at age 67, and am extremely happy with my decision. My organ looks better, smells better, feels better, and sex is much improved. Yes, the foreskin would re-cover the glans during intercourse and I would lose sensations, as would my partner. I never had a partner that liked my foreskin.
December 19, 2012 - 2:04pmThis Comment