I ran upon this article entitled, Signs Your Baby Loves You, on Parenting.com and thought it was just too great not to share. All good parents know that their babies love them, right? But just in case, here’s what to look for if there’s any doubt.

Babies do flirt.

Soon after birth, the little ones will begin to react to your expression. Of course, this tickles you pink causing you to laugh and giggle which creates a vicious cycle of coos, smiles, and delight on both sides. Yep, by now, baby is really into you.

Baby loves the staring game.

You ever wonder what your baby was thinking when she stared at you for long periods of time? Well, according to Debbie Laible, Ph.D, a professor of psychology at Lehigh University, the little one is now trying to connect what she hears and smells with what she sees. My mom said babies stare at you because they’re trying to make a memory. Turns out she was right. Since mom (or dad) is the face they’ll see most and is where a lot of love and affection comes from, babies memorize their parents’ faces.

Baby knows mommy.

That subheading may sound like a given, but take a minute to consider an amazing fact. In a recent study, nursing newborns were placed between two breast pads. One of the breast pads belonged to the specific baby’s mother. Which pad did the baby turn to? You guessed it. His mom’s!

That lovey, binky thingy…it’s all about you.

Alison Gopnik, Ph.D, author of The Philosophical Baby and a professor of psychology at the University of California, Berkley, pointed out that usually babies pick out a favorite toy at around a year old. This toy really represents mommy and all her love. That’s why she may want her stuffed toy or blanket when she feels insecure. With her toy, which represents you, she feels safe, especially when you can’t be physically present.

Okay, there you have it – just four ways babies express their love. Hey, it’s not like all moms didn’t know this all along. It’s just nice to hear that after all the blood, sweat and tears – yours, not baby’s – that one of your rewards comes wrapped in the smile of your own child.


Signs Your Baby Loves You

Behavior Basics

Reviewed July 14, 2011
by Michele Blacksberg R.N.
Edited by Alison Stanton

Dita Faulkner is a blogger. Please check her blog out at: http://redtoenails.wordpress.com/