The N.Y. Times recently reported on a new blood test for Ovarian Cancer, OvaSure. What at first seemed promising, may not be, after all, because the testing was done on women who already have Ovarian Cancer, not on women who are being screened for the early signs.

CA – 125

The test measures 6 different proteins in the blood, including CA-125. You’ve probably read a lot about this blood test. It’s really great for women who have already been diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer, been treated, and are in remission. The CA- 125 works by alerting us that the cancer is still in remission or may be returning.

Why the controversy?

Experts worry that this test will work in the same way, good for women that we know have had ovarian cancer, and questionable for women who are being screened for early signs of the disease.

Click here to see the article.

Here's a new website that aims to increase awareness of Ovarian Cancer 

And to read a blog from a woman on the journey through diagnosis and treatment of Ovarian Cancer read this blog.

Barb Dehn is a Women's Health Nurse Practitioner with over 20 years of experience. She lectures at Stanford, is an in-demand national speaker and appears regularly on ABC's View from the Bay in San Francisco. Barb has dedicated herself to Empowering Women with Information that's practical, funny and to the point.

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