Late night feedings, diaper changes and lack of sleep ... These are some of the challenges that new parents face. It's all well worth the joy your little one brings to your life. The last thing, however, that many parents are thinking about is exercise.

Exercising with your baby is a nice way to get back into the swing of things. According to an article on Yahoo! Shine a baby carrier may be a “smart” choice.

“There are many comfortable baby carriers on the market, including slings, front carriers, and backpacks. Adding 10-20 pounds to your frame for a walk will boost calorie burn, helping you shed those extra pounds. And babies love to be held close to you. In fact, touching enhances brain development in infants, so as you get fitter, baby gets smarter!”

You can bounce baby to music or as he grows, teach him some moves. My son now points to the iPod and starts wiggling. According to, “Dancing is terrific exercise with major calorie burning and cardio workout built-in.”

Of course fitting in a little resistance training can be done in small increments. Below is a list of quick 7-10 minutes workouts you can fit in at home. You will want to work up to three sets of 15 for each exercise, with 30 second rests in between.

Workout 1

Band Lat Pulldown
Hold band overhead with arms straight up. You can adjust hands closer to increase tension. Contract the back and pull the band out while bringing the elbows towards the rib cage. Decrease tension slowly, raising back up and repeat.

Band Seated Row
Loop band around sturdy object. Have a seat on ball and hold band at waist level in an underhand grip. Row band back, pointing elbows behind and keeping elbows in tight.

Workout 2

Band Bicep Curls
Stand on the band and hold handles with palms facing out. Keeping abs in and knees slightly bent, bend arms and bring palms toward shoulders in a bicep curl. Position feet wider for more tension. Return to start and repeat.

Dumbbell Hammer Curls
Hold weights at sides, palms facing in. Bend arms bringing top of weight towards shoulders.

Workout 3

Ball Squats
Place ball on a wall directly behind mid-lower back. Lean against the ball (slightly) and bend knees, lowering the body until knees are at a 90 degree angle. Push back to starting position.

Leg Curls on Ball
Lie on back on the floor and place heels on the ball. Lift hips until your body is in a straight line. Contracting the hamstrings, press the heels into the ball and roll it towards you while keeping the glutes and abdominals tight. (Stay up, do not drop glutes to the floor)

Workout 4

ABDOMINALS ON BALL 15-20 reps each
Sit on ball and walk your feet forward until the ball is resting under your mid-lower back. Place them behind your head. Contract your abdominals as you exhale and lift your torso off the ball. Lower yourself back down.

Reverse Crunch with Ball
Lie on back on floor and bend knees at 90 degrees resting legs on ball. Place hands at your sides. Get a good grip on the ball with your legs and lift your lower body off the floor. Slowly lower ball back down.

Workout 5

Ball Dumbbell Flys
Lie on ball holding dumbbells straight up, palms facing in. Lower arms down to chest level. Contract chest to pull arms back to starting position.

Ball Chest Press
Lie on ball holding dumbbells in an overhand grip, arms bent at sides in a 90 degree angle. Press dumbbells up and in contracting chest. Bend arms down again to starting position.

Workout 6

Overhead Extension
Hold band overhead, letting in hang behind you. Pull band down behind back, about waist level with other hand. Arm overhead should now be bent at a 90 degree angle at elbow. While keeping your bicep close to your ear, drop your forearm behind the head. Contract the triceps to straighten the arm. Return to start and repeat on the other side

Dumbbell Tricep Kickback
Place one hand on the back of a chair. Hold weight in opposite hand. Bring leg of weighted side back into a split stance. Bend over from waist, supporting your weight on chair. Keeping abs in, row elbows up high past rib cage for starting position. Extend weight back, straightening arm and repeat.

Workout 7

Dumbbell Lateral Raise
Sit on the ball with dumbbells at sides. Lift one foot off the ground and, keeping it lifted, raise arms out to the sides to shoulder level, elbows slightly bent and wrists straight. Lower arms and repeat.

Band/Upright Row
Step on band securely with both feet. Hold handles in an overhand grip and row upwards, bringing elbows to shoulder height.


Workout Tips for New Parents

How busy parents can find time for exercising

Reviewed August 29, 2013
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith