Image for life after cancer article Cancer is deadly, but millions of people beat it. Surviving cancer is one of the most amazing success stories a person can have. Ending cancer treatment is exciting, but it is also challenging. There are so many questions. What happens next? Will your cancer return? How can you stay healthy?

Follow-up Care

Although your cancer treatment has ended, you will still need to have regular appointments with your doctor, usually every 3-4 months. Eventually, you may need a check-up only once or twice a year. Still, these check-ups are an important part of your follow–up care, so work with your doctor to develop the follow-up schedule that works best for you.

During a follow-up appointment, the doctor will perform a physical exam. She may also perform some blood tests and x-rays. But this is also an important time to talk with your doctor and address any physical or emotional things that may be bothering you. Some things you may want to talk about with your doctor include:

  • Symptoms that you think may be a sign of cancer’s return
  • Any pain that troubles you
  • Any physical problems that get in the way of your daily life or that bother you, such as fatigue, ]]>insomnia]]>, loss of sex drive, or fluctuations in weight
  • Any emotional problems that you have, and any ]]>anxiety]]> or ]]>depression]]> you may be feeling
  • Any changes to your family medical history
  • Any thing you may want to know more about, such as new treatments, current research, or clinical trials you may want to participate in

Dealing With the Fear

It is natural to feel worried before your follow-up appointment; you may be afraid the doctor will tell you that your cancer has returned. Some ideas to help you cope with your fear of cancer returning include:

  • Be informed about your cancer. Ask your doctor to explain what specific signs you should watch for and learn what you can do for your health.
  • Express your feelings, even if it is fear, anger, or sadness. Talk with friends, family, other cancer survivors, or a counselor. When you express strong feelings, it is sometimes easier to let them go.
  • Work towards developing a positive attitude. Focus on wellness and attempt to look for the good, even in hard and trying times. It is not necessary to be upbeat all the time, but try to rely on a positive attitude to help you be hopeful.
  • Find ways to help you relax and relieve stress. These can be simple activities that help take your mind off your situation; read a new book or see a movie. Soak in the bathtub or try a mediation class.
  • Be as active as you can. Try to get out of your house and get involved with something you find worthwhile. Taking the focus off cancer can help alleviate some of the worrying that comes with it.
  • Control what you can, and know what you cannot control. Be an advocate for yourself and be involved with your healthcare. Things you can control include keeping your medical appointments, setting a daily schedule, and making healthful changes in your lifestyle.

Developing a Wellness Plan

An important step you can take to living a healthy life after cancer is to develop a wellness plan. A wellness plan consists of ways you can take care of your physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs. Ask your doctor to help you create a plan for your health.

Everyone’s wellness plan is different, depending on each person’s situation. Some behaviors you may want to add to your wellness plan include:

  • Eat a variety of healthful foods
  • Eat five or more servings of vegetables and fruits each day
  • Substitute whole grains in place of processed/refined grains and sugars
  • Limit eating food high in saturated fat
  • Choose foods that help you maintain a healthy weight
  • Maintain a healthy weight throughout the rest of your life
  • Limit how much alcohol you drink, if you drink at all
  • Quit smoking if you smoke
  • Adopt a physically active lifestyle and participate in moderate exercise, but talk with your doctor before beginning any exercise program. Studies have found that moderate exercise can help:
    • Reduce anxiety and depression
    • Improve mood
    • Boost self-esteem
    • Reduce symptoms of fatigue, nausea, pain, and ]]>diarrhea]]>
  • Rest if you feel tired
  • Practice relaxation techniques to relieve pain and stress

Finding Normalcy

After cancer treatments have ended, you may just want to “get back to normal”—the way life was before the diagnosis. But, this rarely happens. If needed, consider looking into counseling, home care, support groups, and other specialized services to help you adjust back into daily life. Cancer has a profound impact on a person, but it doesn’t have to be for the worse. It may just take a little time to figure out just what “normal” is for you.