Most people have an aversion to pain and objects with even the remote possibility of causing pain. That is why scorpions, snakes, sharks, cacti, knives, guns and mean people are normally avoided. Their bite hurts!

Yet, where the dilemma rises, which pain is worse?

Many have sought the controversial Bee Venom Therapy, otherwise known as apitherapy, to ease the symptoms and pain of disease. Bee venom has been thought to ease arthritis, multiple sclerosis, tendonitis, pain, scars, wounds, burns, infections, gout, shingles and fibromyalgia.

One of the main ingredients of the venom is melittin, which has a powerful anti-inflammatory quality. Venom is also believed to boost the immune system.

There are many different ways to administer the venom. A segment I saw on television showed people taking live bees and holding them next to their skin to let them sting. Others take injections, use salves or whatever honey bee product they feel helps their situation.

What is interesting about this experimental procedure is that those who prefer to take the venom directly from the source (the bee itself) may only receive a couple stings a day or they may receive 100. It all depends on their experience with the treatment, their sensitivity and their condition.

Apitherapy is not an approved form of treatment in the United States, most likely because there can be strong side effects and even death if venom is given to a patient who is allergic. But, honey and other honeybee products have been used as a healing agent for centuries and are usually a safe method to look into.

If interested in more information about apitherapy or where to find an apitherapist in your area, check or other apitherapy Web sites.

(Apitherapy does not only refer to Bee Venom Therapy. It also refers to any medicinal use of products of honeybees.)