Not all women suffer from morning sickness but for the majority that do, it's an awful feeling that can go on for months, and can return in the last few weeks of pregnancy.

Vomiting, nausea, fatigue, food aversions and an all-round sense of being horribly unwell. And for many, it doesn't end in the morning. It lasts all day.

So how do we deal with the constant feeling that we need to throw up? Here are a few suggestions and tips :

Lemon. Even f you are not crazy for citrus, give this tarty fruit a shot! Lemon water, lemon in your drinks, squeezed on a salad, lemon drops, lemon body sprays and lemon popsicles can all help to settle a troubled tummy and ward off the waves of nausea. Consider carrying products that contain lemon so that if a bout of morning sickness crashes down, you can sooth yourself as quickly as possible.

Carb it! Crackers, breads and rolls will help start the morning off and maintain your energy during the day. Healthy whole grains are best for you and baby, but the old staple of saltine crackers can also work wonders. While starches are considered bad choices for some dieters, potatoes may help too.

Be bland. Even if spicy, hot and sizzling foods were your thing before pregnancy, laying off them while dealing with morning sickness is a good idea. Instead, eat plainer foods like potatoes, plain pastas, salads with plain dressings and some mild fruits and vegetables. Soups and broths are a good idea too.

Go sour and enjoy your ginger. Sour flavors help with nausea, as does ginger. Take ginger to ward off a queasy stomach and invest in some delicious popsicles made especially for pregnant women. With name like Preggo Pops and Preggie Pops, they'll be easy to recognize. Look for ginger flavors as well as many sour citrus choices. Jolly Rancher brand pops are also popular with pregnant women.

Make it minty. Mint is also helpful and refreshing for nauseated moms-to-be. Brushing teeth alone with a minty tooth paste can help, and carry around a tin of mints in your purse. Mint teas and minty scented tissues and other personal hygiene products can put the kibosh on morning sickness.

Medications for severe morning sickness are also available. It's important to talk to your doctor before taking anything. Very severe morning sickness -- known as hyperemesis gravidarum -- needs medical attention, often throughout the pregnancy.

Do you have suggestions for others or do you have remedies that have worked for you? Let us know in the comment section!


Surviving Morning Sickness: Eating with Morning Sickness. American Pregnancy Association. Web. 20, Feb. 2012.

For further reading:

Reviewed February 20, 2012
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith