As a counselor and coach, I work exclusively with creative people. Now, my definition of “creative” is broad-it doesn’t just mean that people are necessarily working artists or writers; rather it means that I work with people who live off the beaten path, who see things differently from most, and (whether they’re acting on them on not) have lots of great ideas and creative instincts.

This is fun to me. I’m a creative person too. I get it. I interview potential clients to see if they are meant to be one of MY clients or if I ought to refer them to someone else. I only want to work with clients who are inspiring to me (I’m a bit selfish that way). I can tell that they are one of MY clients if I ask them what they really want to do and their face lights up as they share a hidden dream with me. Sometimes it’s a dream of making jewelry, or becoming a chef, or writing a screenplay, or singing, or painting or starting a unique business, or starting a line of sustainable goods. It’s always a big dream.

Creative people are really good at the big dreams part. The part we seem to have trouble with is follow-through. I can’t tell you how many brilliant, immensely talented people have sat across from me, full of of great ideas that they are unable to implement because they can’t make the time or space to bring them into action. As much as I am excited by their great ideas (and am impatient to get started on that part of our work together!), we always have to spend the first part of our time together dealing with the unsexy stuff: eliminating distractions, creating systems and work plans, dealing with time-management and basic organization. These problems seem to be taking up all the space in their lives, preventing them from getting to what they really want to be doing. Many creative people I know describe their lives as chaotic. They describe feeling as though they react to whatever comes at them, instead of feeling a sense of purpose or clarity. It leaves them with a feeling of frustration and powerlessness. They feel devalued, because they are not getting a chance to excel in the areas where they really shine, where their very unique way of seeing the world becomes an asset.

This drives me nuts. If the world needs anything right now, it needs inspiration. It needs brilliantly talented people who see things differently, who are starters (not joiners), who can imagine unique solutions to complex problems, who ask the questions, who see beyond the propaganda, who are creators and generators instead of consumers. It needs the people who live off the beaten path. It needs the creative energy of the people who value meaning and purpose and beauty. The world needs these people to be writing novels that make people see the world differently, to be singing songs that tell the truth, to be figuring out inspired ways to feed people and get them healthcare. It does not need these people to waste all that brilliant energy looking for their keys.

I created the REFRAME productivity system (, along with professional organizer Jodi Carter, for creative people who need to tighten up all their systems so that they can create wide open spaces in which they can blossom. It’s not about working mindlessly, or working to clear your inbox. It’s about containing, simplifying and limiting the mundane details of life so that you have the space to focus on what you do best.

If all the visionaries were able to bring their visions into real life, how different would this world be?

Heather Jassy is a licensed therapist and life coach to brilliant, groovy folks around the globe. Read more about her at