


These were just some of the barriers I had to contend with when seeing a former psychiatrist. He was an older man in his sixties who was from India.

I was a 20-something girl from America.

In the end, the divide was just too big.

I really noticed communication problems with him. We just didn’t have the
same reference points. We didn’t share the same native language.

Now, I’m seeing a young, 50-ish, American man.

And I’m now a late 40-ish, American woman.

The great divide has lessened.

If you’re having difficulty communicating and relating to your psychiatrist, perhaps you need to see a doctor more like yourself in age, sex or nationality. Perhaps even in sexual preference.

My doctor and I are both heterosexual, so we see eye to eye on this.

You may even want to have a doctor who has the same religious beliefs that you have. There are a lot of Christian psychiatrists out there.

Communication between doctor and patient is a very important thing.

If you find yourself struggling to bridge the gap, look for another doctor.

I did.

And I’m so glad.