A lot of people struggle with organization before they even get started. The process of organizing feels daunting and it often feels easier to procrastinate and leave things alone.

The, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” approach seems simple when you can’t see past the mess and clutter. But once you start organizing, and your physical space expands, you’ll quickly realize that starting to organize is half the battle – and it’s a battle that doesn’t have to hurt! In fact confronting procrastination will bring you some good rewards.

Say goodbye to stress
Do you ever wish that you didn’t have to struggle to find your keys, to use your desk or to find a clean dish? All of these little challenges might not seem like a big deal, but small amounts of stress have a huge effect on health, on relationships and on happiness!

Say hello to more free time
Organizing your personal space can free you from day-to-day stress, which will open up a lot of mental space. De-cluttering also creates more time because you are not constantly looking for misplaced items like your car keys. Imagine having a few more minutes a day? What would you do with that time?

Where should I start?
They key to organizing is to start small by breaking your project down into small tasks. Set a daily goal of fifteen minutes. You’ll be surprised how fast the time will pass!

How do I Start?
First things first: throw on that funky music! The average song is four minutes long. Pick four of your favorite songs and crank it up! When the songs are over, you’ll be 15 minutes closer to your organizational goal (and you just might burn some calories, too).

What should I actually do?
Next, pick one area of your house and put everything in its place. Books go with other books. DVDs with other DVDs. Socks go with other socks. Then bring a basket or box to the room, grab all the items that don’t belong in the room, throw them in your basket and return them to where they do belong.

I don’t have time to organize
We often have more time than we think we do. If you find yourself waiting for a friend to pick you up, spend the time organizing a pile of papers or going through your mail. And if there’s something you don’t need, just give it to your friend!

This is way too hard. Can anyone help me?
Find an organized friend and offer to help them if they help you. Or hire Breathing Space Consulting. I’m a friend, too!

And remember, be nice to yourself!
The last thing to remember once you’ve decided to organize is to be nice to yourself. Set a realistic goal. After you meet a goal, celebrate by treating yourself. Get a massage, go out for the evening, buy a magazine – and then come home and enjoy the space you’ve created!

Jodi Larson-Carter is a professional organizer, and owner of Breathing Space Consulting. To learn more about what she does, you can read her bio page at http://emptyspaceblog.net/bio/ or visit http://breathingspaceconsulting.ca.