Yes, Viagra. The little pill that makes “big” promises for men is being studied for its effect on the uterus in women. As it turns out, it may be quite helpful for menstrual cramps too if done as a vaginal suppository, but more research is needed.

Cramps are partly thought to be due to the constriction of the tiny blood vessels in the uterus from prostaglandins which are made during menstruation. When cramps occur, less blood flows through these smaller blood vessels which leads to less blood pumped through the area.

Viagra, a well-known dilator of ... ... vessels can re-establish blood flow, thus reducing cramps and pain if done locally. In the study, there were no side effects noted. It was not studied from the aspect of being taken orally as a pill in women, and therefore that is not recommended at this time.

Besides typical over-the-counter or prescription pain medications that women often use to address their cramps, there are some natural options to consider as well.

The herb cramp bark (also known as Viburnum opulus) does exactly as the name suggests. Chemicals in this herb act as a natural antispasmodic and muscle relaxant which is perfect during menstrual cramps.

While there are no side effects listed, it is possible that it may lower blood pressure. Cramp bark is not typically taken daily, but only as needed for cramps like an over-the-counter pain medication.

The spice ginger is known for many things such as easing nausea during pregnancy or sea sickness. It is also a potent cramp fighter.

Ingredients in this spice, similar to those in cramp bark, act as an antispasmodic and a muscle relaxant, and also helps to improve blood flow to an area. It can be made as a fresh tea, chopped up into food, or taken as a supplement.

The minerals calcium and magnesium are natural muscle relaxants if taken in appropriate doses together. Calcium should be taken with magnesium and vitamin D for optimal absorption and use. Be careful not to take these supplements within four hours of thyroid medication. If taken at night they may help with sleep due to their relaxing qualities.

In endometriosis, endometrial tissue from inside the uterus attaches in the abdominal cavity where it does not belong. This can create a lot of menstrual pain, deep pain with intercourse, or pelvic pain throughout the whole month.

This is different from typical cramps and pain that occur just before or during a woman’s period and may require much stronger intervention.

If you have menstrual cramps and pain during your period, consider trying one of these natural options preventatively, or talk with your health care provider about the best options for you.


Hall, S. How Ginger Soothes Muscles, Fights Cramps. Web. 9 December, 2013. Retrieved from,,20319939,00.html

Moline, M. and Zendell, S. Evaluating and Managing Premenstrual Syndrome. Web. 9 December, 2013. Retrieved from

Reuters Health Information. Sildenafil Eases Pain in Primary Dysmenorrhea. Web. 9 December, 2013. Retrieved from

WebMD. Cramp Bark. Web. 9 December, 2013. Retrieved from

Reviewed December 9, 2013
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith