That’s about the sum of it. I suspect the answer to that question is that I got behind on pain control again and for the last couple of days, after increasing my oxycontin dose and promptly treating anything my underreporting little self might call discomfort, I’m back on top of the pain and that makes everything better. My stamina continues to decrease and I’m pretty sure the trip to New Mexico just took everything out of me, followed by a quick dose of chemo as soon as I got back for good measure.

So I’ve been trying to be very good about not pushing myself, resting when I can and just doing what I feel like doing, rather than what I feel like I SHOULD be doing. I did reduce my steroid dose this week at the same time as I increased the oxycontin and, with no ill effects, I’ll keep experimenting very gradually with that.

I’m still working, cutting out the next quilt, and busy planning Thanksgiving. My daughters want the experience of cooking their first Thanksgiving meal all by themselves so I plan to sit myself in the recliner with a megaphone and spend the day giving orders. It should be great fun.

Tomorrow is the National Free to Breathe event and I’m overwhelmed to see that the team formed in my honor has raised over $8000 to date. I hate that research for the number one cancer killer of men and women is so woefully underfunded and am grateful to the National Lung Cancer Partnership and every single individual and group who contributes time and or money to the cause. I wish I could walk with my friends and supporters tomorrow, but that is one of the things that this cancer has taken from me this year compared to last. So I will just say thank you with all my heart and let you know that I am there in spirit, cheering each and every one of you on.