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There are a lot of women who are having a hard time getting pregnant. And if you know that a friend or loved one in your circle is struggling to conceive, there are some things you should never, ever say to her.

If you haven’t been on the fertility-challenged side of life, then you just can’t comprehend the pain and suffering these women and their partners are experiencing. They are literally working day and night to make a baby in whatever way they can, and they are in a space of deep longing and sadness.

I wish more women who are in the midst of the fertility struggle would share their stories so that others could understand. There’s a lot of shame that comes with trying to conceive and not succeeding at it.

These women feel robbed of what should be a given for any woman — the ability to conceive and carry a healthy child to term.

Your role as a friend and supporter should be to listen, period. Provide a non-judgmental space for your friend to share his or her story.

Most importantly, offer advice only when asked. And, by no means should you say any of the following to them:

1) “It’s probably just stress,” or “It’s all in your head.”

These women know that they are stressed about trying to conceive, and they are worried that this stress is making their situation worse. Don’t make them more stressed and worried by pointing out the obvious.

2) “It was so easy for me to get pregnant.”

Rather, try to step back and witness what your friend is going through. Try to put yourself in her shoes. She wants this baby so badly, and is willing to do anything to make it happen.

She is struggling. And hearing stories about how easy it was for others to get pregnant will only make her feel worse about herself and her body.

3) “It’s probably because you waited too long and now you’re too old.”

Never, ever, say this to a woman who is struggling to conceive. She hears this one from every doctor she sees, and in nearly everything she reads on the internet. The truth is that while fertility does decline with age, many fertility problems have nothing to do with age.

However, if a woman is of advanced maternal age, there are things a couple can do to combat the natural fertility decline. In 2004, the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology found that with sex at least twice a week, 82 percent of 35-to-39-year-old women conceived within a year, compared with 86 percent of 27-to-34-year-olds.

The benefit of “timed intercourse” is supported by another 2013 study out of the journal Fertility and Sterility, which found that 78 percent of 35-to-40-year-old women who were having sex at their fertile times got pregnant within a year, compared with 84 percent of 20-to-34-year-olds. Basically, have more sex and at a woman's fertile time.

4) “So when are YOU going to have a baby?”

If you know this woman is struggling to conceive, don’t say this to her to fish for information on how her baby quest is going. If she doesn’t offer information about her fertility status, don’t ask. She doesn’t need any more pressure from anyone else about having a baby, as she is already putting enough pressure on herself.

5) DON’T complain about your pregnancy.

In my opinion, whether you’re speaking to a woman about her fertility struggles or not — you should never complain about your pregnancy. You should be grateful for the gift you received. Pregnancy is a miracle, and you were honored with that miracle.

6) “Have you thought about IUI…or IVF…or surrogacy…or donor eggs…or adoption...?”

Believe me, she has thought about everything. In fact, those thoughts have likely kept her up at night. Again, if she isn’t asking for your advice on such topics, don’t offer it. And, if she is talking to you about such topics — just listen with a compassionate ear.

7) “Kids are a pain, why would you want them?”

We all know children come with responsibility, but many of us still want them. Don’t put your opinions or assumptions onto other people, especially to a woman who is struggling to conceive.

8) “If it’s meant to be it’ll happen. Don’t give up.”

I couldn’t agree more with this statement, however saying it to someone who is in a world of pain over wanting a child (or anything they don’t have that they want) can feel like a kick in the stomach.

I believe somewhere deep down, these women do have faith that it’ll happen for them, but they need to recognize that on their own terms, not on yours.

9) “Well, you have been so career focused…”

This is a big no-no to say to any woman struggling to conceive. She’s already gone over that statement in her head probably hundreds of times. Don’t support her self-abuse.

There are many, many women who chose careers first and babies second, and it worked out just fine for them. And — refer to #3 above — age isn’t the biggest issue when it comes to fertility challenges.

10) “Have you tried acupuncture...or changing your diet…or sleeping more…or taking X supplements?”

Chances are they have explored every option that’s out there to help improve their odds of conception. Again, if they are not asking your advice, don’t offer it.

The best thing you can do for a friend or loved one struggling to conceive is to listen compassionately. Let them know you are on their side, and you hope for them that they will one day have all they desire.

From The Stork® OTC: If you have been trying to get pregnant, but are struggling, there are some options available to help with conception. The Stork OTC is an over-the-counter product that may optimize chances of conception and can be used in the privacy of your own home.

A condom-like sheath with a cervical cap collects sperm and a tampon-like applicator delivers sperm to the cervix, keeping it there for up to 6 hours by way of the cervical cap. The Stork OTC is FDA-cleared for common fertility issues in both men and women such as unfavorable vaginal environment, motility issues, and low sperm count. The Stork OTC can be purchased at several store locations. Enter code 10STORKOTC at check-out to save $10 on the product. To learn more, visit: http://www.storkotc.com/

Reviewed July 18, 2015
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith