For almost thirty years, October has been recognized as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. And it has been a little over twenty years that the iconic pink ribbon was introduced, which is on full display everywhere from the White House, to NFL stadiums. While receiving regular mammograms is important, there are preventative and drugless approaches to women’s health you can implement in your everyday life to keep you happy and healthy.

1) Eat Your Beets

Proper liver function is critical in keeping estrogen balanced with progesterone. Elevated estrogen is challenging to deal with today due to the addition of human-made, synthetic compounds called xenohormones. Xenohormones increases estrogen in a female, disabling the liver from clearing estrogen. Beets, however, are a superfood which supports liver function. Add ⅓ cup of beets to your daily diet to help combat the excessive estrogen. You can view my recipe here.

2) Limit Stress Activities

This will take work to limit your stress, but you CAN do it. When your body is stressed, your body can wear down, gain weight, and blow out your adrenals. To reverse, determine activities that are most important, and cut out the ones that aren’t bringing value to your life.

3) Reduce Dairy Consumption

Before deciding on life altering procedures like a hysterectomy, my suggestion would be to first focus on a detoxification program and lifestyle pattern change. This would be to remove words and foods like “Danish, cookie, soda, and milk” from your diet. Milk and dairy products congest your lymphatic flow. Drinking plenty of water from a pure source and exercising aerobically are beneficial for your lymph glands.

4) Keep Your Thyroid Healthy For Optimal Pregnancy

Pregnancy is not always easily possible for individuals with low thyroid gland function. I commonly suggest whole food, organic iodine, and/or kelp, and alfalfa to fulfill the need for this required thyroid nutrient.

5) Read Labels (Even for Skin Products)

Become a label reader, if you aren’t already. What you put in and on your body is absorbed through the skin and travels through your lymphatic system and is processed in your liver. Some of the ingredients can be causing chronic pain, allergies, skin irritations, and even depression.

During October, we are having a special for our EmpowHER community for the best-selling “Dr. Bob’s Drugless Guide to Balancing Female Hormones”. Enter EMPOWHER as the coupon code on and receive the book for 25% off.

Lastly, join Dr. Bob for his monthly #OptimalU live event on Google+. It takes place Wednesday, October 29th at 9PM EST. He’ll be talking about this article and taking your health questions online.