Because a number of different changes take place in the body of a menopausal woman, she has little hope for becoming aware of all of them. A thinking woman, however, chooses to eat foods that can counteract the effects of the more damaging changes. If she hopes to stave off calcification of her arteries, then she consumes foods that are rich in Vitamin K2.

Research has shown that by taking in about 45 micrograms of K2 per day, a woman can benefit from decreased coronary calcification. Cheese and other milk products, in addition to meat, can serve as the best source of Vitamin K2. Unfortunately, a majority of today’s women eat sparingly of those foods, and as a result they take in only about 18 micrograms of K2 per day.

Why does Vitamin K2 appear to protect against hardening of the arteries, while Vitamin K1 does not? The body stores Vitamin K2 in triacylglycerol rich lipoproteins and in low density lipoprotein. The blood carries those substances to extrahepetic tissues. Vitamin K1 gets stored in substances the liver can clear rapidly from the body. Vitamin K2, on the other hand, has an extended effect on the physiology of the body, allowing it to put a damper on the build up of calcium within the arteries.

If you want to read more about the benefits of Vitamin K2, take the time to visit this link
