Getting more omega-3 fats into your diet may protect you from losing your hearing. According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders about 17 percent of adults in the United States have some hearing loss.

Though many causes of hearing loss are related to dysfunction in the ear, some are the result of faulty messaging of the brain. Omega-3 fats are instrumental in healthy messaging of the brain

"According to Dr. Jonathan Wright, MD, medical director of the Tahoma Clinic in Washington, certain cases of age-related hearing loss may be reversed by increasing a specific bioidentical hormone called aldosterone." Low aldosterone levels may also be linked with some diseases, e.g. diabetes.

Progestin, which is a synthetic progesterone used in hormone replacement therapy may contribute to hearing loss in women.

Aging may be inevitable but we can make choices that will maintain health as we get older. Vitamins A, C, E and folic acid, along with the mineral magnesium may preserve hearing later in life.