New Year's resolutions are so easy to make on December 31, but they are so hard to keep once January 1 rolls around. And by February those resolutions are all but forgotten.

Want to change that for 2015? Want to make and keep the resolutions that could improve your life in the New Year?

Do you want to get some help not breaking New Year's resolutions for once? There's an app for that!

Most people need a few things, when it comes to keeping New Year's resolutions. That list includes accountability, an action plan, and some encouragement. There are many apps that can give you those things.

Here are five apps that could help you keep your 2015 resolutions all year long.

1) MyFitnessPal

Want to lose weight, eat healthier or just be more accountable about the food you put in your body? Use MyFitnessPal to track daily calories and provide you with the calorie counts for thousands of food choices. You can also track workouts and calories burned.

2) RunKeeper

Need a poke to get out and run (or walk)? RunKeeper can help. It will send push notifications to encourage you to get out and run. It will keep track of each run's distance and time, and encourage you to go further and faster.

3) Couch to 5K

So you are not a runner but you want to be one? Use Couch to 5K to get you from sitting on the couch to running a 5k race. Start with walking. Lead up to jogging. And finally be able to run 3.1 miles! It can be done!

4) Mint

Are your resolutions more financial than physical? Use the Mint app to keep track of credit card information, banking, and bill pay details all in one place. Get yourself, and your money, organized this year with Mint.

5) Level Money

Need something a little more visual? The Level Money app has a spending meter that starts at full at the beginning of the month and counts down available funds as each transaction occurs throughout the month. This app is an easy way to see how quickly (or slowly) your money is disappearing.

Whether you want to lose weight, start exercising, or get organized financially, these apps may help you meet your New Year's goals. These apps along with focused goals, motivated effort and self-discipline can make 2015 the year you achieve your resolutions!

Sources: Web. 31 December 2014. "Apps track New Years resolutions". Web. 31 December 2014. "5 tips on how to keep
New Hears resolutions."

New Year Resolutions: 40 Apps To Help You Achieve Them! Web. 31 December 2014. "

Reviewed January 2, 2014
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith