Discovering ways to allow your kids to eat fast food which is good for them can be as challenging as letting them watch television and play video and computer games that are good for them. While there are some great options out there, it takes time, effort and discipline to learn about what they are and to follow through.

Why does it seem that what’s “bad” for us is so much easier? By taking the time to educate yourself and your kids about what’s healthy, you may find that not only will it become easier as you get into the habit of making healthy choices, but the results are so very worth it, as eating healthy food makes you feel so much better every day.

Finding healthy fast food for kids can be a challenge. Although we’d all like to shop, cook, prepare and pack elegantly simple snacks and meals for our offspring, the truth is, there are some extremely long road trips, vacation destinations, or even school days when we simply don’t have access, time or resources for such endeavors.

At these times it’s always better to opt for a healthy fast food choice than just to break down completely and go for as much fried food as possible. Burger King, McDonald’s, Wendy’s and other fast food restaurants have healthy options for kids including apple juice and milk, water and lemonade instead of soda, apple slices and salads instead of fries and burgers.

Even a baked potato or macaroni and cheese is preferable to a bacon burger and fries. However, if you do go for the traditional burger and fries option, whether preparing these at home or in a restaurant, baking is always preferable to frying, lean meat is preferable to fatty meat, chicken and fish are preferable to red meat, and fruits and veggies are always desirable.

Milk, juice and water are always, always! better choices than soda. Fast food restaurants are beginning to pick up on the need for making these choices available to families as easily as the traditional calorie laden fried fare.

In fact, as of July 13, 2011, nineteen fast food chains planned to offer healthier meal options on children's menus. This has been slowly happening for quite some time, not just for children, but for all customers. The children’s healthy fast food options is part of a new initiative launched by the National Restaurant Association.

Although many fast food restaurants are still serving mostly fried, high calorie food, the ones that are participating are agreeing to offer one (or more) meal combination that contains 600 calories or less. This includes a 200 calorie (or less) side dish. The participating chain restaurants include Burger King, Chili's, IHOP, and Friendly's.


abcNews, Good Morning America. Fries to Fruit: Healthier Fast Food For Kids?
By LARA SALAHI (@LaraSalahiABC) July 13, 2011. Retrieved from the internet on December 7, 2011.

Good Housekeeping. Healthy Food and Restaurant Options for Kids
Retrieved from the internet on December 7, 2011

AImee Boyle is a regular contributor to EmpowHER

Reviewed December 8, 2011
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith