By MegaHiker/Divine Caroline

Looks like another great day to be alive. How shall I make the most of this day? For me a day without both physical and creative exercise is an empty day. So exercising shall be at the top of my to-do list for this and every day.

Writing an article for this Web site will satisfy my urge for creative exercise. Maybe over the course of the day I’ll start writing a short story or possible create some computer art. Even constructing a big pot of soup qualifies as a creative workout.

There are all sorts of things I need to get done today. Some of them will have to wait for another day, since I am headed out the door this afternoon for some “warm weather” snowshoeing. The temperature is predicted to be a balmy forty-four degrees today, which is pretty warm for northern Pennsylvania at this time of year. My pick-up truck shall transport myself and my female black Lab to nearby McKean County, where there is plenty of snow on the ground. For powdery snow I utilize wooden snowshoes, but today the snow will be wet so I’ll use metal snowshoes. It will be a great workout of the cardiovascular variety. I like to do a couple sets of push-ups and chin-ups before a cardio workout to keep my upper body in shape.

Making exercise a top priority is the only way for me to succeed in life. I am not referring to monetary success. I am more interested in physical, mental, and spiritual wealth. It is much easier now for me to find time for physical and creative exercise, since I am unemployed and my only dependent is my eight year-old dog Clara. Even when I was employed for an automotive parts supplier I always found time for a workout, whether it be lifting weights, splitting firewood or just taking the dog for a forty-five walk after work near my dwelling, which is out in the country. Even generating an email correspondence can be viewed as a creative workout, and there have been plenty of days when I hardly even had time for that activity.

Maybe you will be too busy today for any type of exercise. I hope things change for you so that the opportunity for a productive workout will be soon available. Your workout needn’t involve a two-hour weight lifting session or a five hour kayaking adventure. A walk around the block is enough to clear your head and get your blood pumping. Spending a few minutes constructing a collage can be just as rewarding as spending twelve hours painting a masterpiece.

Today is an awesome day to experience what the day has to offer. I wish you luck and hope you are able to exercise your brain and body on this great day.