The summer presents such a wonderful opportunity to engage in active outdoor activities and to bask in radiant sunshine. To keep you hydrated, energized and healthy while you enjoy the season, we thought we would share Donna’s favorite green juice.

This is a recipe used constantly in her home and a juice that Donna loves to start her day with. We invite you to give this recipe a try and we’d love to hear your feedback. Please share your thoughts with us on SHARE YOUR VOICE where you can join our discussion on summer recipes!

Please note, for best results all ingredients should be organic or locally grown and juice should be consumed within a couple of days to benefit from the live enzymes. This recipe serves 8.


2 Ea. Granny smith Apples
4 Ea. Fuji Apples
1 Head of Fennel
1/2 Head of Celery
6-8 Large Romaine Leaves
4-6 Leaves Lacatino Kale
1 Whole Cucumber
1 Yellow Pepper
1 12 oz pack of Baby Spinach
1″ Piece of Ginger
1 Whole Lemon


In a large bowl, soak the romaine and kale leaves in cold water. Gently stir the leaves to help remove the sand and then lift the leaves out of the water and place in a new bowl. Next, wash the rest of the fruit and vegetables in cold water and then cut all of the fruit and vegetables into small pieces that will easily fit into the mouth of the juicer.

Using a champion juicer, proceed to juice.

For more on Donna Karan's blogs, click here.

Edited by Shannon Koehle