If your hormone levels are within normal ranges, and you continue to experience hair thinning and loss, the following suggestion of managing stress, trying different supplements, and watching your diet may slow hair loss and help to begin a re-growth cycle.

Stress is the most common external cause of hair loss. Here is an easy-to-follow, quick-fix plan that can be implemented simply and immediately producing dramatic calming effects.

Take 10 deep breaths in and out at least twice daily. When you feel stress climbing, close your eyes and concentrate on slow and controlled breathing. Breathe in through your nose to the count of four and breathe out to the count of six or seven. Repeat 10 times. You will feel better!

Eat at regular intervals
Include protein in your diet as well as plenty of whole grains, fruits, and veggies. Avoid fast food and other sugary, fat-laden foods.

Stay hydrated
Drink at least eight glasses of water a day.

Daily exercise promotes good health physically, mentally, and emotionally – and you’ll look better, too.

Pamper yourself
Take daily time-outs. When you do this, the stress hormones have nowhere to go but down. Focusing on yourself for even a few minutes will provide a break from the intensity and allow your adrenals a much-needed rest. The mental boost you gain from taking a break better equips you to deal with the sources of stress.

Laugh, pray, and smile
And tell yourself you are worth being blessed.

Supplements--these have been found to help and are worth a try!
Saw palmetto
This tropical berry helps block the conversion of testosterone to DHT, which is believed to cause hair loss when testosterone levels are high or when the hair follicle has increased sensitivity to testosterone.

Although no studies have documented its effectiveness for hair growth, biotin has been hailed as a supplement that can improve the health of hair follicles.

The combination of B vitamins seems to improve hair health and may prevent overall hair loss by preventing breakage and splitting.

Following a dietary plan to balance blood sugar levels and reduce insulin can help improve the health of your skin and hair cells. Elevated insulin levels, known as insulin resistance, are a known cause of hair loss. Improving your diet is paramount because food is a drug that will either work for you or against you.
Excessive body fat can cause higher androgen levels, which are related to hair loss. Getting your body fat below 28 percent will reduce androgen and insulin production and result in less hair thinning and loss. Reducing body fat will also make your energy level soar.

Although there is no magic bullet for instant hair growth, nurturing your health by reducing stress, adding supplements and eating right should improve the quality and quantity of your hair, as well as your overall wellness.
Nisha Jackson, PhD, MS, WHCNP, HHP

Nisha Jackson is one of the nation's leading bio-identical hormone & wellness experts. She is the host of the nationally syndicated radio program "Just Ask Nish", columnist, lecturer, and continues to be in high demand in her Southern Oregon based specialty practices. With no hidden agendas Nish, as she is know by her radio audience is relentless to oncover health solutions that work. If it's effective and good for you, it's good medicine.